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Henry Moore - A study of his life and work

Róla szól
Kiadó: Thames and Hudson
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 284 oldal
Sorozatcím: The World of Art Library Artists
Kötetszám: 21
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér reprodukciókkal, fotókkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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\bout this Sir Herbert Read has been associated with Henry n I . Moore both as a friend and a critic almost since the DOOK beginning of the sculptor's career. In 1934, in the first book to be published on Moore, Sir Herbert wrote, "¦'P-;-: 'The life of an original artist of any kind—painter,
sculptor, poet or musician—is hard; only an unfailing integrity of purpose can carry him through those years of financial failure, of public neglect or derision, which are his inevitable lot. All but a few are compelled to compromise. There has been no compromise in the life of Henry Moore, and now, in the fulness of his powers, he offers us the perfected product of his genius'. Sir Herbert was expressing a conviction rather than judgement based on adequate evidence. By now, however, the evidence is plentiful, and though Moore is still in the full flood of his creative DOwers, it is not likely that a considered appreciation Dased on the existing body of hi§ work will be seriously affected by... Tovább


\bout this Sir Herbert Read has been associated with Henry n I . Moore both as a friend and a critic almost since the DOOK beginning of the sculptor's career. In 1934, in the first book to be published on Moore, Sir Herbert wrote, "¦'P-;-: 'The life of an original artist of any kind—painter,
sculptor, poet or musician—is hard; only an unfailing integrity of purpose can carry him through those years of financial failure, of public neglect or derision, which are his inevitable lot. All but a few are compelled to compromise. There has been no compromise in the life of Henry Moore, and now, in the fulness of his powers, he offers us the perfected product of his genius'. Sir Herbert was expressing a conviction rather than judgement based on adequate evidence. By now, however, the evidence is plentiful, and though Moore is still in the full flood of his creative DOwers, it is not likely that a considered appreciation Dased on the existing body of hi§ work will be seriously affected by either the quantity ox the originality of what is still to come. In the present volume the author has traced in simple outline Hettry Moore's develop-merit as an artist, begiimi-ag-iwitfet -a biographical account of his origins and educaition, and proceeding to a stage-by-stage analysis of the development of his style and invention. The sculptor has put himself at the disposal of the writer and thd result is an authoritative biography of one of the greatest of living artists. >ir Herbert Read was born in 1893 in Yorkshire and was at the University of Leeds when the First World War broke out. He served as an Infantry Officer; in France and Belgium gaining the dso and mc. In 1931 he became Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Edinburgh. He was Clark Lecturer, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1929-30; Sydney Jones Lecturer in Art, University of Liverpool, 1935-36; and Norton Professor of Fine Art, Harvard University, 1953-54. He is an Hon. D. Litt University of Leeds and President of the Society for Education in Art and of the Institute of Contemporary Arts. His publications include: Collected Poems, The Green Child, The Contrary Experience, The Meaning of Art, Art Now, Education through Art, The Art of Sculpture, A Concise History of Alodern Painting, A Concise History of Modern Sculpture, A Letter to aYoung Painter, and The Origins of Form in Art.
THAMES and HUDSON 30 Bloomsbury Street London WC1
not for sale in the u.s.a. or canada Vissza



Herbert Read

Herbert Read műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Herbert Read könyvek, művek
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