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New York
Kiadó: Time Warner Book Group
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 343 oldal
Sorozatcím: Aspect-Warner Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-446-52983-4
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Blood. There was blood everywhere. It trickled in rivulets,
it ran in torrents. It was intermingled with a hundred other
fluids of what had once been living organisms. Now there
was just a contorted heap of their dissected organs, bones,
exoskeletons, skin, antennae. Thick slabs of tissue lay in
open trays, mucus and slime dripped from towering racks
of offal. The smell of excreta was everywhere.
It looked like a charnel house. It looked like a vision
of Hell. j
But this was Heaven
"HEAVEN is terrifyingly good, profound, and brave. A crack-
ing page-turner packed with great characters—only some of
them human!—spectacular incident, marvelous ideas, and
some of the best-conceived aliens I've ever come across.
This is a very important book, which deserves huge suc-
cess." —Stephen Baxter, author of Coalescent
"Fascinating and original aliens, compelling religions, and
far-out technologies—Stewart and Cohen probe horizons
and push limits.... Tovább


Blood. There was blood everywhere. It trickled in rivulets,
it ran in torrents. It was intermingled with a hundred other
fluids of what had once been living organisms. Now there
was just a contorted heap of their dissected organs, bones,
exoskeletons, skin, antennae. Thick slabs of tissue lay in
open trays, mucus and slime dripped from towering racks
of offal. The smell of excreta was everywhere.
It looked like a charnel house. It looked like a vision
of Hell. j
But this was Heaven
"HEAVEN is terrifyingly good, profound, and brave. A crack-
ing page-turner packed with great characters—only some of
them human!—spectacular incident, marvelous ideas, and
some of the best-conceived aliens I've ever come across.
This is a very important book, which deserves huge suc-
cess." —Stephen Baxter, author of Coalescent
"Fascinating and original aliens, compelling religions, and
far-out technologies—Stewart and Cohen probe horizons
and push limits. That's what readers of futuristic science
fiction want." —David Brin, author of Kiln People
In the grand tradition of Gregory Benford
and Greg Bear, internationally popular
scientists and acclaimed authors Dr. Ian
Stewart and Dr. Jack Cohen come togeth-
er again to create a brilliant new novel of
huge, speculative ideas and suspenseful
Across the vast cosmos, a diverse
array of creatures must band together to
defeat the galaxy's deadliest and most
destructive force
On the ocean planet No-Moon, Second-
Best Sailor contentedly lives the life of a
mariner plying his trade with visiting
space-dwelling Neanderthals. When his
reefwife discovers that a mission fleet has
targeted their homeworld for conversion,
his comfortable lifestyle vanishes in an
Servant-of-Unity XIV Samuel has
cheerfully devoted his life to the grand
wonder that is Cosmic Unity, and all he
desires is to help spread its message of
universal harmony to a grateful galaxy.
But Samuel's awe turns to horror when he
uncovers Cosmic Unity's darkest truth.
At its core, Cosmic Unity is a lovely,
seductively gentle religion stating that all
creatures—whether born of flesh, silicon,
superconducting gases, or magnetic plas-
ma—are equal and deserve tolerance. Yet
over 22,500 years and spread by a vast
hierarchy, the simple concept has mutat-
ed into a malignant and violent meme-
plex—heretics will not be tolerated.
Bereft of faith and rebelling against
the Ecclesiarchs, Samuel is shattered and
confused when he stumbles upon Second-
Best Sailor, fleeing from his threatened
home to a potential new habitat. Flung
together by fate and supported by the
Neanderthals' host of traders, Second-
Best Sailor and Samuel plot a kamikaze
plan to fight off the invaders. Along the
way, they will need the help of the unlike-
liest and most fascinating of allies.
But can they bring down an idea that
has destroyed everything across tens of
thousands of light-years? Vissza
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