Have You Heard ? proV\6es listening comprehension practice for students of English as a foreign language who have had little opportunity to hear native English speakers. The aim is to teach students to listen effectiveiy and to select the information they require from what they hear
Each of the twenty units contains three recorded extracts centred around a particular language function. The recordings are of spontaneous conversations in a range of accents, and bring the student as close as possible to a real life situation.
This Classroom Edition contains all the work material for each unit. The exercises include comprehension, aural discrimination and vocabulary work, as well as a 'Can you say ?' section which gives students the opportunity of putting into practice the functions they have learned.
Also available is an Intensive Study Edition which contains, in addition to the exercise material, a transcript of the recordings and answers to the exercises.
Have You Heard. ?\s...
Have You Heard ? proV\6es listening comprehension practice for students of English as a foreign language who have had little opportunity to hear native English speakers. The aim is to teach students to listen effectiveiy and to select the information they require from what they hear
Each of the twenty units contains three recorded extracts centred around a particular language function. The recordings are of spontaneous conversations in a range of accents, and bring the student as close as possible to a real life situation.
This Classroom Edition contains all the work material for each unit. The exercises include comprehension, aural discrimination and vocabulary work, as well as a 'Can you say ?' section which gives students the opportunity of putting into practice the functions they have learned.
Also available is an Intensive Study Edition which contains, in addition to the exercise material, a transcript of the recordings and answers to the exercises.
Have You Heard. ?\s intended to prepare studentsforthe intermediate level listening comprehension books, Z./sieA7 to this/and What a Story f, also by Mary Underwood.
ISBN 0 19 457030 4 Oxford University Press Vissza
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