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How To Study

Kiadó: Pan Books Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 240 oldal
Sorozatcím: Pan Information
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-330-23140-5
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A beállítást mentettük,
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In writing this book I originally intended to cover only those
aspects of the psychology of learning which are useful to students. But I found that, although many students know pretty... Tovább


In writing this book I originally intended to cover only those
aspects of the psychology of learning which are useful to students. But I found that, although many students know pretty well what they ought to do, they don't do it. So I was led to include chapters on goals and motives, and, also on more general questions of mental and physical health. And I included, for good measure, chapters on writing English and elementary mathematics. This extensive coverage led me outside my own special field of competence. I have therefore submitted various chapters to colleagues who are experts in those fields in which I have no special training or experience. Dr Ruth Beard read and commented on the chapter on mathematics, and Dr A. Wilkinson on the chapter on writing English. On the various aspects of physical health I have benefited from many discussions with Dr J. N. Oliver. * The chapter on Group Work owes its presence to Professor O. A. Oeser and Dr S. B. Hammond of Melbourne University, who first demonstrated to me the possibilities of the less didactic methods of education. I am also indebted to Mr K. J. McAdam, who made detailed and valuable criticisms of parts of the manuscript, and to the publishers for their advice and encouragement when the book was in its early stages. For such defects as remain I am of course solely responsible.
I have benefited from the honest and unvarnished descriptions of their study habits made by my three children, one at the primary, one at the secondary and one at the tertiary stage of education. Discussions with them have, I hope, helped me to avoid some of the academic absurdities which any man who shuts himself up in his study occasionally perpetrates. And I owe most to my wife, for maintaining that domestic order and comfort which facilitate the labours of writing a book.
A number of publishers and authors have kindly given permission for extracts from their works to be included in the book. Specific acknowledgements are made in the text.
* For the chapter on Mental Health I acknowledge with thanks the kind permission of Professor L. J. Cronbach and his publishers to use an extract from Educational Psychology. Vissza


How to Study
Successful study depends not only on ability and industry but also on motivation and effective methods of working. This invaluable and comprehensive handbook covers in detail not only the techniques (both elementary and sophisticated) vital to success but also discusses the psychology of learning and motivation.
Wherever you may be studying and in whatever subject How to Study will help you realise your full potential and obtain the greatest benefit and success from your studies.


Foreword 7
1 The Need to Learn Methods of Study 9
2 Plans and Time-tables 21
3 Motives and Habits 36
4 Learning and Remembering 51
5 Reading 74
6 Notes and Lectures 96
7 Examinations 109
8 Thinking 124
9 Group Discussion and Group Work 149
10 Writing English 163
11 Simple Mathematics 182
12 The Physical Environment 199
13 Health and Study 209
14 Mental Health 229 Index 238

Harry Maddox

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