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Handouts for British History

A Study Guide and Workbook

Kiadó: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt.
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 329 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 17 cm
Megjegyzés: 3., átdolgozott kiadás. Kihajtható melléklettel. Tankönyvi szám: J2-1617/1.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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HANDOUTS FOR BRITISH HISTORY Hungárián students of British history have had to face a host of difficulties ever since World War II: essential handbooks have been missing from the shelves of even the biggest libraries, basic literature has been hardly available, and primary sources impossible to find. Generations of prospective teachers of English and history, scholars, journalists, translators, and men of letters have been educated against all odds, with just a fraction of much needed British history and "area studies" in their curricula. The present workbook tries to offer somé help by providing a comprehensive study guide which is a textbook, a chronology, a glossary of historical terms, an atlas, a bibliography, and a collection of tests - all in one. It is primarily intended as a handbook for students of universities in Hungary - and was compiled with a view to the particular conditions in Hungary in the early 1990s. It is probably a very optimistic venture which will certainly... Tovább


HANDOUTS FOR BRITISH HISTORY Hungárián students of British history have had to face a host of difficulties ever since World War II: essential handbooks have been missing from the shelves of even the biggest libraries, basic literature has been hardly available, and primary sources impossible to find. Generations of prospective teachers of English and history, scholars, journalists, translators, and men of letters have been educated against all odds, with just a fraction of much needed British history and "area studies" in their curricula. The present workbook tries to offer somé help by providing a comprehensive study guide which is a textbook, a chronology, a glossary of historical terms, an atlas, a bibliography, and a collection of tests - all in one. It is primarily intended as a handbook for students of universities in Hungary - and was compiled with a view to the particular conditions in Hungary in the early 1990s. It is probably a very optimistic venture which will certainly not be fully able to substitute all the different handbooks students would possibly need. Still, the book may give substantial help to all beginners and serve as a starting point for more ambitious studies as well. A similar handbook by the same authors, Handouts for US History, will shortly accompany the present volume. Vissza


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Handouts for British History Handouts for British History Handouts for British History Handouts for British History Handouts for British History

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