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Handbook of Hydraulics

For the Solution of Hydrostatic and Fluid-flow Problems

New York
Kiadó: McGraw-Hill Book Company
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 556 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 07-034601-1
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal, kihajtható mellékletekkel.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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Fifth Edition
For the Solution of
Hydrostatic and Fluid-Flow Problems
by Horace Williams King
Late Professor of Hydraulic Engineering
University of Michigan
and Ernest F. Brater
Professor of Hydraulic Engineering
University of Michigan
Ranging widely over the important new discoveries
in fluid mechanics and hydraulics, this Fifth Edition
of "Handbook, of Hydraulics" is an unexcelled aid in
solving problems in these fields through completely
modern techniques.
Its notable accomplishment rests in its focus on the
newly-developed basic methods now providing more
accurate solutions to problems formerly handled with
empirical methods. The new emphasis on fundamen-
tals is reflected in the extensively revised and ex-
panded sections such as the Fundamental Concepts
of Fluid Flow. Here, in one remarkable, all-encom-
passing section is enough knowledge for the applica-
tion of the fundamentals to the particular aspects of
hydraulics dealt... Tovább


Fifth Edition
For the Solution of
Hydrostatic and Fluid-Flow Problems
by Horace Williams King
Late Professor of Hydraulic Engineering
University of Michigan
and Ernest F. Brater
Professor of Hydraulic Engineering
University of Michigan
Ranging widely over the important new discoveries
in fluid mechanics and hydraulics, this Fifth Edition
of "Handbook, of Hydraulics" is an unexcelled aid in
solving problems in these fields through completely
modern techniques.
Its notable accomplishment rests in its focus on the
newly-developed basic methods now providing more
accurate solutions to problems formerly handled with
empirical methods. The new emphasis on fundamen-
tals is reflected in the extensively revised and ex-
panded sections such as the Fundamental Concepts
of Fluid Flow. Here, in one remarkable, all-encom-
passing section is enough knowledge for the applica-
tion of the fundamentals to the particular aspects of
hydraulics dealt with in other portions of the book.
This Fifth Edition serves to underline the unique
durability, helpfulness and outstanding worth of the
tables devised by Professor King. Over the years, these
tables have provided engineers with precise, accurate
and time-saving shortcuts to routine computations.
This latest text places in the toolkit of the practis-
ing engineer, the teacher and the student of advanced
hydraulics, many new problem-solving numerical ex-
amples. After boldly charting the new areas of
knowledge in fundamentals, it presents widened con-
cepts and page after page of recently-uncovered ma-
terial on Wave Motion and Forces, High-velocity
Transitions, and Spatially Variable and Unsteady
The authors recognize the tremendously increased
activity in coastal engineering with a brilliant chapter
on waves, with emphasis on oscillatory waves. This
section also includes upgraded data on translatory
The value of this book, a landmark in the field of
hydraulics, has been deepened by the latest proce-
dures, findings and techniques now included in its
pages. More than ever, it is an indispensable reference
manual for the operational engineer, the educator and
the student seeking the most efficient way to soundly-
conceived hydraulic projects. Vissza
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