Virgnia must be among the mos; beautiful of the 50 states. So Ifelt in 1971 during a visit to tte newly founded Meredith-Bura printing plant in Lynchburg We came by plane from Gemany and traveled by bus alon; the winding parkways overooking the Valley of Virginia We marveled at the blue momtains, so blue that they blenced at times with the sky.
We aw Virginia's beauty again in tb majestic homes - Mount Verrón, Monticello, Mont-pelie - of men and women Virgnians admire. But most of all \e found beauty in the friendy Virginia people. Gov-ernoiHolton made us feel as if we were a part of his state. All vere eager to show us Virginia
Virgiiia, I thought, is a jewel. To sbw the jewel and its facets to otlers, as it had been shown to us we made a book. Wolfgang Roth, photographer for Burd: Publishing House, traveled 2,000 miles to take pic-tures )f Virginia in all seasons. Guy j^iddell, a Virginia author, wrotdthe text.
Now [he book, The Virginia Way,is in your hands. May you nd in...
Virgnia must be among the mos; beautiful of the 50 states. So Ifelt in 1971 during a visit to tte newly founded Meredith-Bura printing plant in Lynchburg We came by plane from Gemany and traveled by bus alon; the winding parkways overooking the Valley of Virginia We marveled at the blue momtains, so blue that they blenced at times with the sky.
We aw Virginia's beauty again in tb majestic homes - Mount Verrón, Monticello, Mont-pelie - of men and women Virgnians admire. But most of all \e found beauty in the friendy Virginia people. Gov-ernoiHolton made us feel as if we were a part of his state. All vere eager to show us Virginia
Virgiiia, I thought, is a jewel. To sbw the jewel and its facets to otlers, as it had been shown to us we made a book. Wolfgang Roth, photographer for Burd: Publishing House, traveled 2,000 miles to take pic-tures )f Virginia in all seasons. Guy j^iddell, a Virginia author, wrotdthe text.
Now [he book, The Virginia Way,is in your hands. May you nd in its pages some of the psasure a visitor feels in* beingvelcomed to Virginia,
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