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Greg d'Arc

Gregor Gáll sculptures

Róla szól

Kiadó: S.A.B. Bt.
Kiadás helye: Herceghalom
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 191 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 29 cm x 23 cm
ISBN: 963-219-643-0
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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The sculptures of Gregor Gáli have been queuing for long to be introduced in a representative album. After leafing through this elegant publication, the kind reader may wonder: Why are the works of Gregor Gáli so scarce in the public squares of the big cities of the world? This fantastic book is intended to offer a selection of his works to draw the attention of those, who could be competent in decisions of such great importance. To encourage the conclusion, this collection is giving the answer to the next question: How would the world-look like with the sculptures of Gregor Gáli? This is an exciting excursion for those, who are ready to imagine his figures in a city centre or a neatly arranged park, with the help of the authors presenting the sculptures placed in real sites.
The sculptures imagined to public areas, as presented in this album, have been created in the form of statuettes of bronze as well. No parameters of size are added in the subtitles. Gregoi^ Gáli invites his... Tovább


The sculptures of Gregor Gáli have been queuing for long to be introduced in a representative album. After leafing through this elegant publication, the kind reader may wonder: Why are the works of Gregor Gáli so scarce in the public squares of the big cities of the world? This fantastic book is intended to offer a selection of his works to draw the attention of those, who could be competent in decisions of such great importance. To encourage the conclusion, this collection is giving the answer to the next question: How would the world-look like with the sculptures of Gregor Gáli? This is an exciting excursion for those, who are ready to imagine his figures in a city centre or a neatly arranged park, with the help of the authors presenting the sculptures placed in real sites.
The sculptures imagined to public areas, as presented in this album, have been created in the form of statuettes of bronze as well. No parameters of size are added in the subtitles. Gregoi^ Gáli invites his audience to carry on these visions: Fancy these figures, small or large, in the places where you walk or dream.
Have much fun and enjoy your visit in the world of art.
The Publisher S.A.B. BT Vissza
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Greg d'Arc Greg d'Arc Greg d'Arc Greg d'Arc Greg d'Arc Greg d'Arc Greg d'Arc
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