'Becomlruj a mam rocks your world. Tkls koioest, fun,n,y, dowrt-to-sartk kandbook Is for modern, mams Gv^erywkGrG and will Idg yoar best friGiad and an inspiration as you attGmpt to gGt yoar grooCG ^ (and possibly yoar faooarltc jeans) back.'
^^^^^ Zoe Ball
New wardrobe essentials, qalck beaaty Hxes and easy-to-do exercises, relatlonsklp odcilce, sleep, sex (or lack of botk!) and work-life balance, The Fabulous Mum's Handbook kelps you, sur>;lce any and all ckallenges of your new life. Fasklon and lifestyle journalist Grace Saunders skares ker own experience as a m,um-of-two and kas asked countless otker mum,s for tkelrs, from family and friends to a llne-i^p of professional gurus: Tanya Byron on getting sleep, Jane Clarke on eating rlgkt, Gayle Rlnkoif on looking your best, and nmny more.
Brimming witk practical adv?lce, useful tips and tricks of tke trade, tkls one Is a must-kav7e for motkerkood.
'Grace sunxs up all tke ckaos, kumour and energy In^^^oWed In being a mam....
'Becomlruj a mam rocks your world. Tkls koioest, fun,n,y, dowrt-to-sartk kandbook Is for modern, mams Gv^erywkGrG and will Idg yoar best friGiad and an inspiration as you attGmpt to gGt yoar grooCG ^ (and possibly yoar faooarltc jeans) back.'
^^^^^ Zoe Ball
New wardrobe essentials, qalck beaaty Hxes and easy-to-do exercises, relatlonsklp odcilce, sleep, sex (or lack of botk!) and work-life balance, The Fabulous Mum's Handbook kelps you, sur>;lce any and all ckallenges of your new life. Fasklon and lifestyle journalist Grace Saunders skares ker own experience as a m,um-of-two and kas asked countless otker mum,s for tkelrs, from family and friends to a llne-i^p of professional gurus: Tanya Byron on getting sleep, Jane Clarke on eating rlgkt, Gayle Rlnkoif on looking your best, and nmny more.
Brimming witk practical adv?lce, useful tips and tricks of tke trade, tkls one Is a must-kav7e for motkerkood.
'Grace sunxs up all tke ckaos, kumour and energy In^^^oWed In being a mam. Tkls book is your personal stylist, life coack and a box of ckocolates all rolled Into one. Don't start motkerkood wltkout it.'
Gail Porter
'Wken you becom,e a mum, your world ckanges o'.'ernlgkt. I wlsk tkls book kad been tkere for me wken I needed to mn,ke sense of It all!'
cJools Olwer