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Future Fastforward

The Zionist Anglo-American Empire Meltdown


Kiadó: American Free Press
Kiadás helye: Washington, D.C.
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 383 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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The Zionist Anglo-American Empire:
Paper Tiger or Mighty Empire?
Israel: Linchpin to the
Coming Nuclear Wars.
The End of Empire Capitalism.
The Triumph of People's War.
The words in this book are not written to shock the reader, but
they do. For the first time, herein these pages is a view of the
Force, namely, the invisible Zionist Anglo-American Empire,
that acts on our very lives. The author makes a convincing
case, complete with impeccable historical references, of
plans put into motion many years ago to control the course of
human life here on Earth. The continuum of those plans, for
reasons cited in this book, has taken on a spectacular turn,
and the architects have decided to fast-forward their agenda.
The Power Elites of the Zionist Anglo-American Axis have
been in control of the political systems throughout the world
and, in all probability, there is not a single country in which their
cunning and evil influence has not been felt. Their philosophy
of... Tovább


The Zionist Anglo-American Empire:
Paper Tiger or Mighty Empire?
Israel: Linchpin to the
Coming Nuclear Wars.
The End of Empire Capitalism.
The Triumph of People's War.
The words in this book are not written to shock the reader, but
they do. For the first time, herein these pages is a view of the
Force, namely, the invisible Zionist Anglo-American Empire,
that acts on our very lives. The author makes a convincing
case, complete with impeccable historical references, of
plans put into motion many years ago to control the course of
human life here on Earth. The continuum of those plans, for
reasons cited in this book, has taken on a spectacular turn,
and the architects have decided to fast-forward their agenda.
The Power Elites of the Zionist Anglo-American Axis have
been in control of the political systems throughout the world
and, in all probability, there is not a single country in which their
cunning and evil influence has not been felt. Their philosophy
of "divide and rule" has manifested itself in various ways on dif-
ferent scales, e.g., the Cold War between Eastern communism and Western capitalism;
managed conflicts in the oil-rich Middle East aided by the Creation of Israel; and the illusion
of choice in apparent democracies. Wars are invariably used to abruptly change political
systems, and never for the simplistic "good-versus-evil" reasons declared vociferously.
Written by a barrister of 29 years, and one-time political secretary for former Malaysian
Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the author puts forward his propositions with
sufficient proofs and evidence that demonstrate the rapid and irreversible decline of the
Zionist Anglo-American Empire; the forthcoming inevitable nuclear wars; Israel as the
linchpin of those nuclear wars; the end of Empire Capitalism; and a New World map by the
middle of this century.
FUTURE FASTFORWARD is authored by Matthias Chang, a Chinese Catholic, who puts
forward his case with a viewpoint that hammers an irreparable dent in the social, econom-
ic and political myths promulgated by the West, and poses a formidable challenge to the
Western media's ongoing propaganda schemes.
A riveting expose of the crimes, conspiracies, and con-artistry
— with the puppets Bush and Blair at the forefront —
for total world domination by means of death,
devastation and destruction!
A MUST READ!!! Vissza



Matthias Chang

Matthias Chang műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Matthias Chang könyvek, művek
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