From Prout to the Proton Piiwp recounts aspects from the fascinating story of the elucidation of gastric function and the evolution of the therapeutic strategies designed to manage peptic ulcer disease. Much Hke the gastrointestinal tract itself, this is a sweeping history full of unexpected twists and turns and even the occasional cul de sac. It is no surprise that the development of concepts regarding gastric function and treatment was not always harmonious, novel ideas were often greeted with skepticism. Some of the key players and crucial events in this colorful drama, which has unfolded over the last 300 years, include:
- the young French Canadian voyager who became a human experimental model as a result ofa near fatal gunshot accident;
- the contest to decide the nature of gastric acid and the award ofa prize to two competing groups for completely different conclusions;
- the animals who ingested sponges and metal tubes as part of the investigations of gastric function...
From Prout to the Proton Piiwp recounts aspects from the fascinating story of the elucidation of gastric function and the evolution of the therapeutic strategies designed to manage peptic ulcer disease. Much Hke the gastrointestinal tract itself, this is a sweeping history full of unexpected twists and turns and even the occasional cul de sac. It is no surprise that the development of concepts regarding gastric function and treatment was not always harmonious, novel ideas were often greeted with skepticism. Some of the key players and crucial events in this colorful drama, which has unfolded over the last 300 years, include:
- the young French Canadian voyager who became a human experimental model as a result ofa near fatal gunshot accident;
- the contest to decide the nature of gastric acid and the award ofa prize to two competing groups for completely different conclusions;
- the animals who ingested sponges and metal tubes as part of the investigations of gastric function -and the physicians and scientists who did likewise;
- the electric eels whose study enabled investigators to discern neural function and help delineate the role of "the wandering nerve";
- the identification by Pavlov of nervism,
the neural regulation of gastrointestinal function, and the subsequent award of a Nobel Prize for these revelations;
- the identification by Starling of a chemical messenger and the conversion of Pavlov to the recognition of hormones.
This vividly illustrated book will transport you from ancient times of divine humors through hormones and histamine to hydrogen ions. It describes the elucidation of the physiology of gastric secretion and the identificarion of hydrochloric acid.The story culminates in the delineation of the parietal cell and the proton pump as the final step in acid secretion and the development of agents capable of virtually eliminating acid secretion.The monumental advances in the treatment of acid peptic disease thus rest on an amalgam of a diverse array of beliefs, experiments, astute scientists, physicians and creative pharmacologists. In less than two centuries, since the identification of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the delineation of the molecular mechanisms of its secretion has enabled its therapeutic regulation.The management of an entire disease process has been revolutionized. This is a saga that will delight many, not just gastroenterologists. but those sensitive and insightful to the vagaries of life and the human experiences which lie behind the evolution of scientific and medical progress.