To really understand introductory statistics in the modern way, the bridge between data analysis and inference must be clear.
That's why this modem approach with its fascinating real-life data sets and Its Important linkup to Inference gives you an understandable grasp of introductory statistics. Throughout, the book focuses on the computer and graphical data analysis and, at the same time, includes chapters on Inference, categorical data, regression, and ANOVA.
And, unlike any other Introductory text, Exploring Statistics In its pivotal Chapter 6 establishes a clear and understandable bridge between descriptive data analysis and inference. Described by reviewers as important and unique, Chapter 6 explains the basic philosophy of data analysis and gives many Illustrative examples with real data.
Flexibly organized and appropriate for quarter and semester courses, this Second Edition of Exploring Statistics includes:
• More than 400 different data sets—the disastrous Challenger...
To really understand introductory statistics in the modern way, the bridge between data analysis and inference must be clear.
That's why this modem approach with its fascinating real-life data sets and Its Important linkup to Inference gives you an understandable grasp of introductory statistics. Throughout, the book focuses on the computer and graphical data analysis and, at the same time, includes chapters on Inference, categorical data, regression, and ANOVA.
And, unlike any other Introductory text, Exploring Statistics In its pivotal Chapter 6 establishes a clear and understandable bridge between descriptive data analysis and inference. Described by reviewers as important and unique, Chapter 6 explains the basic philosophy of data analysis and gives many Illustrative examples with real data.
Flexibly organized and appropriate for quarter and semester courses, this Second Edition of Exploring Statistics includes:
• More than 400 different data sets—the disastrous Challenger accident, AIDS testing, velocities of galaxies, ratings of NFL quarterbacks, and worldwide seismic activity are just a few of the book's exciting, reviewer-praised real-data sets
• Plentiful use of the latest graphical displays and computer simulations to help visualize data in both descriptive and inferential situations
• More than 1,400 exercises including discussion and computer exercises relevant to a wide range of disciplines—many taken from actual surveys, reports, and experiments
• Statistical Insights from general-interest news articles to capture your curiosity
• Computer tips for MIMITAB