Few books have made such an impact on our current
thinking about business efficiency as Exploration in
Management, the result of more than twenty years of
practical analysis of the central problems of management.
In form an account of the application of social study
techniques to one large engineering firm, the book is in
fact relevant to all those who are concerned in any way
with business decisions.
A theory of efficient organization which embraces
structure, technique, and human relations is excitingly
related to everyday problems from the board-room to the
factory floor. The executive role, the manager-subordinate
relationship, the conflict in policy decisions, the represent-
ative system, and above all the gap below the executive
system all come under the author's microscope. Lord
Brown's unique combination of theory and practice marks
out Exploration in Management as a permanent contribution
for industrialists and social scientists alike.
'His enthusiasm...
Few books have made such an impact on our current
thinking about business efficiency as Exploration in
Management, the result of more than twenty years of
practical analysis of the central problems of management.
In form an account of the application of social study
techniques to one large engineering firm, the book is in
fact relevant to all those who are concerned in any way
with business decisions.
A theory of efficient organization which embraces
structure, technique, and human relations is excitingly
related to everyday problems from the board-room to the
factory floor. The executive role, the manager-subordinate
relationship, the conflict in policy decisions, the represent-
ative system, and above all the gap below the executive
system all come under the author's microscope. Lord
Brown's unique combination of theory and practice marks
out Exploration in Management as a permanent contribution
for industrialists and social scientists alike.
'His enthusiasm for efficient management, his dedication
to the practice of functional application of sound
managerial principles come shining through the close web
of his reasoning'-Sir Miles Thomas
Cover design by Herbert Spencer
For copyright reasons this edition is not for sale in the U.S.A.