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European Garden Design

From Classical Antiquity to the Present Day


Kiadó: Könemann
Kiadás helye: Köln
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 496 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 32 cm x 28 cm
ISBN: 3-8290-2289-1
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, reprodukciókkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Gardens are idyllic refuges where we can find tranquillity, recuperation and enjoyment. Hidden amongst lush foliage or under the shadowy leaves of a balmy oasis, it is a great pleasure to relax and contemplate the verdant paradises we lovingly cultivate. The cultural history of gardens is closely bound up with man's hopes and longings. According to most of the world's creation stories, the humán race began in an en-closed garden with trees, blossoms, fruits and clear springs. This passión for shaping the abundance of nature runs throughout history from the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the rich tradition of European garden design. Every historical era is characterized by a different style, including sacred groves and gardens in ancient Greece and Romé, the hidden hortus conclusus of the Middle Ages and the Moorish gardens of Spain, with their strong Islamic influences. During the Italian Renaissance of the i5th and i6th centuries, the prevailing spirit of order took on... Tovább


Gardens are idyllic refuges where we can find tranquillity, recuperation and enjoyment. Hidden amongst lush foliage or under the shadowy leaves of a balmy oasis, it is a great pleasure to relax and contemplate the verdant paradises we lovingly cultivate. The cultural history of gardens is closely bound up with man's hopes and longings. According to most of the world's creation stories, the humán race began in an en-closed garden with trees, blossoms, fruits and clear springs. This passión for shaping the abundance of nature runs throughout history from the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the rich tradition of European garden design. Every historical era is characterized by a different style, including sacred groves and gardens in ancient Greece and Romé, the hidden hortus conclusus of the Middle Ages and the Moorish gardens of Spain, with their strong Islamic influences. During the Italian Renaissance of the i5th and i6th centuries, the prevailing spirit of order took on concrete form in the secluded nooks of the giardino segreto, whereas the classical features of villa gardens, with their harmony of architecture and nature, were shaped by the legacy of classical antiquity. In more recenttimes, the vast, grandiose gardens of the Baroque grand siécle in absolutist Francé, and the Arcadian landscape gardens of i8th century England are high water marks in European garden design. Continuing from this colorful and varied heritage, the eclecticism of the igth and 2oth centuries draws on a variety of styles and periods whilst harnessing them to reformist and avant-garde movements. This book gives a complete picture of the development of the art of garden design and its most important periods and theories, along with numerous examples of representative gardens. Vissza



Ehrenfried Kluckert

Ehrenfried Kluckert műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Ehrenfried Kluckert könyvek, művek
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