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Kiadó: Fawcett Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 470 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-345-41147-1
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^IpHfS MOST FULLY' REALIZED STÖRY YIT * J| Comparisons will be inadé to Dashiefí Hammeít a. James Ellroy% noir thriUers* But' Euteka stands on its ov os a tightly -plotted and cirresflug tale.^ -áocky Mountain News The seamy past of glamorous California lies in the deceptively peaceful town of Eureka -once a bootlegger's paradise from which young, rugged Thomas Culhane briefly escaped to fight in World War I. Now it is a rebuilt metropolis where Sheriff Culhane is launching a bid to be the Golden State's next governor. But something just might threaten his ambitions. As police detective Zeke Bannon investigates a death that seems a sad accident, he unearths a decades-old secret that starts with a shoot-out, builds to a bloodbath, and could end up within the upper echelons of California's elite, forever changing the destiny of a state. "COMPELLING . # . [A] GANGBUSTER THRÍLLER .• [A] powerfu! stary that unravels a town% darkest secrets, desperately harrific acts that becoine almost... Tovább


^IpHfS MOST FULLY' REALIZED STÖRY YIT * J| Comparisons will be inadé to Dashiefí Hammeít a. James Ellroy% noir thriUers* But' Euteka stands on its ov os a tightly -plotted and cirresflug tale.^ -áocky Mountain News The seamy past of glamorous California lies in the deceptively peaceful town of Eureka -once a bootlegger's paradise from which young, rugged Thomas Culhane briefly escaped to fight in World War I. Now it is a rebuilt metropolis where Sheriff Culhane is launching a bid to be the Golden State's next governor. But something just might threaten his ambitions. As police detective Zeke Bannon investigates a death that seems a sad accident, he unearths a decades-old secret that starts with a shoot-out, builds to a bloodbath, and could end up within the upper echelons of California's elite, forever changing the destiny of a state. "COMPELLING . # . [A] GANGBUSTER THRÍLLER .• [A] powerfu! stary that unravels a town% darkest secrets, desperately harrific acts that becoine almost painful to discover/' -Sf. Petersburg Times "ENTERTAINING . • ¦ ACTION-STUDDED . . . Diehl searriiessly weaves the past into present, setting up a challenging puzzle and putting plenty of twists into a solid plat/* - The San Diego Union-Tribüné Vissza

William Diehl

William Diehl műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: William Diehl könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Eureka Eureka Eureka Eureka Eureka

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