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The Gold of the Gods


Kiadó: Souvenir Press
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 211 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-285-62087-8
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Throughout the world Erich von Dani-ken's first two books—CHARIOTS OF THE GODS?, subtitled 'Was God an Astronaut?', and, more recently, RETURN TO THE STARS—have been massive bestsellers, the former having reached sales of nearly three million in no less than twenty-seven countries. It is hardly surprising therefore that von Daniken's latest work, and possibly the most exciting to date, has been so eagerly awaited.
GOLD OF THE GODS marks the culmination of an arduous world-wide expedition taking the author 76,000 miles through Ceylon, Singapore, Malaysia, Guam, Polynesia, Easter Island, Taiwan, Chile, Brazil, Columbia, San Salvador and various States of North America.
In Ecuador he leads us through a mysterious system of caves and tunnels 700 feet underground—gigantic and richly decorated constructions dating back to prehistoric times. By whom and for what purpose was this complex 'town' of tunnels built? Why does it stretch far out into... Tovább


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Throughout the world Erich von Dani-ken's first two books—CHARIOTS OF THE GODS?, subtitled 'Was God an Astronaut?', and, more recently, RETURN TO THE STARS—have been massive bestsellers, the former having reached sales of nearly three million in no less than twenty-seven countries. It is hardly surprising therefore that von Daniken's latest work, and possibly the most exciting to date, has been so eagerly awaited.
GOLD OF THE GODS marks the culmination of an arduous world-wide expedition taking the author 76,000 miles through Ceylon, Singapore, Malaysia, Guam, Polynesia, Easter Island, Taiwan, Chile, Brazil, Columbia, San Salvador and various States of North America.
In Ecuador he leads us through a mysterious system of caves and tunnels 700 feet underground—gigantic and richly decorated constructions dating back to prehistoric times. By whom and for what purpose was this complex 'town' of tunnels built? Why does it stretch far out into the sea bed?
In Cuenca, the ancient Capital of the Incas, and in Peru he has explored and photographed incredible treasures of bygone ages, previously undeciphered writings, strange symbols and drawings in solid gold which take us back in time to the period of the Great Flood. Von Daniken's discoveries have been described by Eastern Europe's leading authority on early American history, Professor Miloslav Stingl, as "the greatest archaeological sensation since the discovery of Troy."
Everywhere he goes, startling evidence emerges to bolster his main contention that long ago planet earth hosted extra-terrestial beings. As his expedition gains momentum von Daniken's suspicions of a sensational Battle of the Gods way back before the dawn of recorded history are
continued on back flap
continued from front flap
given fresh credibility. Legends of the American Red Indian, handed down over countless generations, lead him to further strange items which fit into the puzzle of his theory.
Within the framework of the beliefs and ideas of the last thousand years these and the many other improbable treasures and fantastic ruins would appear inexplicable. But when we look at them in the light of the most up-to-date technology then these important and startling discoveries are explicable . . . then we can recall and acknowledge the incredible Era of the Gods.
Erich von Dâniken was born on 14th April, 1935, in Zosingen, Switzerland. His first archaeological expedition to Egypt was made in 1954 when he translated a number of hieroglyphic texts. Since then he has travelled extensively, gathering evidence to support his theory that long ago our ancestors were visited by people from outer space. Typically, at the outset, his theories were received with scepticism by more orthodox scientists, although his vast public showed an instinctive interest and wonder at the mysteries he unearthed and explained. Further expeditions have eroded much of this initial scepticism and his latest discoveries, as described in GOLD OF THE GODS, have earned him the highest praise by one of the world's leading experts in the. field. His success with CHARIOTS OF THE GODS ? and RETURN TO THE STARS is complemented by the world-wide distribution of a film based on the first of these books.
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Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Erich von Däniken könyvek, művek
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