The publication contains edited versions of the presentations of the international workshop on the history of reproductions held on 27 August 2020 in the Lutheran Central Museum in Budapest, in connection with the exhibition titled "Present of Ferencz Pulszky", organised between 26 March and 27 August 2020 in the museum by the Lutheran Central Collection and the Institute of Art History, Research Centre for the Humanities. The exhibition and workshop were the continuation of an international project in 2015-2016 in which, working together with the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence, the Institute of Art History and the Hungarian National Museum, and including the studies of Hungarian and foreign researchers, we compiled and published a bilingual catalogue of John Brampton Philpot's photographic series of fictile ivories, created in the nineteenth century. There were two types of presentation at the workshop in 2020: one focused on various areas or theoretical questions of the history of reproductions and collections, while the other introduced specific collections of reproductions, such as a photography gallery or a plaster cast collection. The structure of our publication is also based on these two categories.
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