English in
Student's Book 1
Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks
Second edition
This brand new edition of English in Mind revises and updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. Engaging content and a strong focus on grammar and vocabulary combine to make this course a hit with both teachers and students.
Popular features have been refreshed with 100% new texts, pictures and photos, including:
• Imaginative reading and listening topics that capture the interest of teenagers
• 'Culture in Mind' sections which give students an insight into the world around them
• 'Everyday English' to keep them in touch with how teenagers use English
NEW for the Second edition:
• A Student's Book DVD-ROM containing games, extra exercises and videos featuring the photostory characters, and 'Videoke' which allows students to record their own voices in the videostory dialogues
• A 'Get it right' section which focuses on problem areas common to learners...
English in
Student's Book 1
Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks
Second edition
This brand new edition of English in Mind revises and updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. Engaging content and a strong focus on grammar and vocabulary combine to make this course a hit with both teachers and students.
Popular features have been refreshed with 100% new texts, pictures and photos, including:
• Imaginative reading and listening topics that capture the interest of teenagers
• 'Culture in Mind' sections which give students an insight into the world around them
• 'Everyday English' to keep them in touch with how teenagers use English
NEW for the Second edition:
• A Student's Book DVD-ROM containing games, extra exercises and videos featuring the photostory characters, and 'Videoke' which allows students to record their own voices in the videostory dialogues
• A 'Get it right' section which focuses on problem areas common to learners of this CEF level, and 'Everyday English' expressions of proven frequency in conversational English, as highlighted by the Cambridge International Corpus
• A Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM which allows teachers to create and edit their own tests
• Whiteboard-friendly Classware which integrates the Student's Book, audio and video, as well as a handy phoneme chart, recording transcripts and dictionary
English in Mind provides multiple entry points with an eight-page 'Welcome section' in each level, or a full Starter level for complete beginners. It is ideal for mixed-ability classes.
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