
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

English Grammar

Angol nyelvtan


Kiadó: Cassel Publishers Limited
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 327 oldal
Sorozatcím: Cassell's Students'
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 19 cm
ISBN: 0-304-305324
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


List of abbreviations8
Use of capital letters10
Formation of the plural11
Nouns which occur only in the plural17
Words which can be either singular or plural nouns18
Nouns which occur only in the singular19
Formation of nouns19
The possessive form of nouns27
Appendix I: list of common compound nouns30
Appendix II: list of common compound nouns and adjectives formed from phrasal verbs31
The articles and demonstratives33
A The articles34
Form and pronunciation34
Uses of the articles: an or the?35
Uses of the articles: with the or without the?45
Form of the demonstratives45
Meaning of the demonstratives47
Other uses of the demonstratives47
Appendix III: expressions using the pattern VERB+NOUN49
Appendix IV: expressions using the pattern PREPOSITION+NOUN50
Quantifiers and distributives51
A Quantity52
Quantifiers with mass and count nouns52
Positive and negative ways of looking at things54
Meanings of some55
Some and any56
Quantifiers as pronouns57
Compounds with -one, -body, -thing, and -where58
Uses of much and many59
Words which describe distribution66
All, every or each66
Either and neither66
Types of adjective69
Formation of adjectives70
Position of adjectives74
Order of adjectives78
Comparison of adjectives80
Appendix V: cardinal and ordinal numbers83
Appendix VI: nationality adjectives85
Appendix VII: adjectives and prepositions86
A Personal pronouns89
Summary of forms89
Meaning and use of personal pronouns90
Subject pronouns91
Object pronouns93
Reflexive / empatic pronouns97
Other pronouns99
Interrogatives: who(m)?, which?, what?, and whose?99
Relatives: who(m), which, whose and that100
Quantitive and distributive pronouns101
Indefinite pronouns (somebody, anybody, etc.)102
One(s), other, another102
Meaning and use of prepositions105
Patterns with prepositions105
Prepositions to express relationships in space107
Prepositions to express relationships in time112
Prepositions to express other relationships117
Appendix VIII: verbs with following prepositions122
Appendix IX: common fixed expressions with prepositions123
Verb forms124
The "building blocks' of the verb125
Active and passive, simple and continuous128
The parts of the main verb130
Formation of the negative: not/n't135
Formation of questions137
Formation of verbs139
Appendix X: alphabetical list of irregular verbs143
Appendix XI: list of verbs in -ify, -ize and -ate144
Appendix XII: matrix of verbs on the pattern LATIN PREFIX+ROOT145
Verbs - meaning and uses147
A Tenses148
The two elements of meaning148
The present tenses149
The past tenses156
The perfect tenses159
The imperative167
The basic imperative167
'Coloured' imperatives168
Imperatives with let169
The passive169
Meaming of the passive169
Uses of the passive170
By and with in the pattern X WAS DONE BY/WITh Y173
The future175
A Future with will/shall177
The classical form of the future177
First person: I/we178
Second person: you180
Third person: he, she, it and they182
Future continuous: will be moving183
Future perfect: will have moved/been moving183
Future with going to185
Meaning and use186
Going to or present simple187
Going to or present continuous187
Going to or future with shall/will188
Other ways of expressing the future189
Is to189
Is about to189
Expressing probability189
The tense used in time clauses190
Modals (including conditional sentences)191
Form of modals193
Probability: will; must/can't; could, should; may/might194
Obligation: must/have to196
Obligation: should/ought to199
Necessity: need200
Ability/success: can/could/be able to202
Permission: may/might and can/could203
Condition: if-sentences204
Phrasal verbs209
Word order in phrasal verbs212
Is the particle a preposition or an adverb?215
The meaning and use of phrasal verbs216
Appendix XIII: matrix of common phrasal verbs221
Appendix XIV: list of phrasal verbs having the pattern VERB+ADVERB+PREPOSITION222
A General introduction228
Meaning of adverbials228
Form of adverbials229
Position of adverbials229
Adverbials of place (movement and location)232
Movement and location232
Other useful adverbials of place232
Prepositional phrases of place234
Here and there234
Position of adverbials of place235
Adverbials of time236
Common when adverbials236
Common how long adverbial237
Common how often adverbials238
Other time adverbs240
Order of time adverbials241
Adverbials of manner241
Adverbs of manner in -ly241
Other adverbs of manner243
Prepositional phrases243
Order of different types of adverbials243
Variations in the MPT order244
Other adverbials244
Viewpoint, commenting adverbials and adverbials of degree244
Adverbs which join or link sentences and ideas247
Adverbs used to modify adjectives and other adverbs248
Sentence patterns251
Note on grammatical terms253
Summary of types of verb patterns; key sentences255
Patterns with intrasensitive verbs: types A-E255
Type A: be+complement255
Type B: Vi+O and Vi+complement258
Type C: seem (etc.) + complement259
Type D: Vi+preposition+object259
Type E: verb+to-infinitive and verb+base infinitive260
Patterns with transitive verbs: types F-J261
Type F: Vt+object267
Type G: Vt+object+base infinitive or present participle269
Type H: Vt+direct and indirect object270
Type I: reporting verb +-np object +that-; wh-clause273
Type J: Vt+np object+adv/adj/noun/past participle278
Sentence construction279
A Conjunctions279
Definition of conjunctions279
and, but, so, (n)either...(n)or, or280
Other conjunctions284
Sequence of tenses in reported (indirect) speech and questions284
Tense and other changes284
Variations in the sequence of tenses286
Question word+to-infinitive phrase289
Relative clauses (defining and non-defining relatives)290
Definition of relative clauses290
Defining relative clauses291
Non-defining relative clauses295
Appendix XV: notes on punctuation297

Jake Allsop

Jake Allsop műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Jake Allsop könyvek, művek
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