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5000 Ft
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English Grammar

Angol nyelvtan - Theory and Practice/Elmélet és gyakorlat

Kiadó: Tankönyvkiadó Vállalat
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 640 oldal
Sorozatcím: Tanárképző főiskolai tankönyvek
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 963-18-2986-3
Megjegyzés: Tankönyvi száma: 42423.
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A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Abbreviations and symbols7
Part One - The Verb Phrase
Classification of Verbs11
Formal Classification of Verbs11
The Inflectional Forms of English Verb11
Regular Verbs11
Irregular Verbs14
Simple Forms and Compound Forms14
One-Word Verbs and Group-Verbs14
Functional Classification of Verbs15
Full Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs15
Non-Finites and Finites16
Anomalous Finites16
Table of Verb Forms21
The Conjugation of the English Verb30
Simple Tenses31
The Present Tense31
The Past Tense32
Compound Tenses34
The Compound Forms of the Present Tense and the Past Tense34
The Building Blocks of Compound Tenses35
Tense Tables37
Active Voice37
Passive Voice38
Exercises 24-4039
Verb Categories44
The Indicative Mood44
The Imperative Mood45
The Subjunctive Mood45
The Active Voice46
The Passive Voice46
The Common Aspect48
The Continuous Aspect48
Verbs Normally Used in the Continuous Aspect49
Number and Person54
Exercises 41-5255
The Use of the Tenses61
Tenses Expressing Present Time61
The Present Tense61
The Present Continuous Tense63
The Present Perfect Tense64
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense66
Other Tenses Expressing Present Time67
Tenses Expressing Past Time68
The Past Tense68
The Past Continuous Tense70
The Past Perfect Tense75
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense80
Other Tenses Expressing Past Time82
Tenses Expressing Future Time86
The Future Tense86
The Future Continuous Tense89
The Future Perfect Tense91
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense92
Other Tenses Expressing Future Time93
Exercises 53-7695
Sequence of Tenses120
Exercises 77-84124
Various Concepts Expressed by the Anomalous Finites and Other Verb Forms136
The Conditional Tenses136
Conditional Sentences137
Obligation, Necessity148
Possibility, Probability, Likelihood152
Miscellaneous Concepts154
Willingness, Determination154
Insistency, Refusal155
Promises, Threats155
Requests, Invitation156
Surprise, Indignation, Disappointment, Joy, etc.156
Admonition, Reproach158
Courage, Impudence161
Exercises 85-97161
Verb + Subject Complement (V + SC)178
Link-Verbs or Copulas178
The Subject Complement178
Verb + Object(s) (V + O)181
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs182
The Object182
Verb + Direct Object (V + DO)187
Verb + Direct Object + Direct Object (V + DO + DO)187
Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object (V + IO + DO)187
Verb + (Direct Object) + to/for + Indirect Object (V + (DO) + to/for + IO)188
Verb + Prepositional Object (V + PO)188
Verb + Object + Object Complement (V + O + OC)189
Verb + Adverbial Modifier(S) (V + AdvM)190
The Adverbial Modifier192
Adverbs Modifying Verbs192
Forms of Adverbs193
Classification of Adverbs According to Meaning193
Adverbs and Adjectives with the Same Form195
Adverbs with Two Forms196
Summary of Verb Phrases198
Formal Classification of Verb Phrases198
Functional Classification of Verb Phrases199
Exercises 98-105200
Part Two - The Verbal Phrase
Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (Verbals)207
Tables of the Verbals207
Table of the Infinitive207
Tabel of the Gerund and the Participle208
haracteristics of the Verbals209
Exercises 106-126212
The Syntactic Functions of the Verbal Phrase223
The Verbal Phrase as Subject223
The Verbal Phrase as Grammatical Subject223
The Verbal Phrase in Sentences with Preparatory 'It'223
Exercises 127-132228
The Verbal Phrase as Subject Complement231
Nominative with the Infinitive231
Nominative with the Participle233
Exercises 133-138234
The Verbal Phrase as Object238
The Infinitive Phrase as Object238
The Gerundial Phrase as Object240
Verbs Followed by the Infinitive or the Gerund242
Exercises 139-149246
The Verbal Phrase as Object Complement252
Accusative with the Infinitive252
Accusative with the Participle257
Exercises 150-158260
The Verbal Phrase as Adverbial Modifier265
The Infinitive Phrase as Adverbial Modifier265
The Gerundial Phrase as Adverbial Modifier265
The Participial Phrase as Adverbial Modifier266
Exeercises 159-168268
The Verbal Phrase as Noun Modifier277
The Infinitive Phrase as Postmodifier277
The Gerund as Premodifier279
The Participle as Noun Modifier280
Exercises 169-185283
The Verbal Phrase as Modifier of an Adjective292
The Infinitive Phrase as Modifier of an Adjective292
The Gerundial Phrase as Modifier of an Adjective295
Exercises 186-194296
Additional Notes on the Verbal Phrase302
The Logical Subject of the Gerund302
The Infinitive Phrase after Question-Words304
The Split Infinitive304
The Particle "to" without the Infinitive305
The Gerund and the Verbal Noun305
Summary of the Functions of Verbal Phrases306
Revision Exercises I (Exercises 195-200)308
Part Three - I. The Noun Phrase
The Noun319
Formal Caracteristics of Nouns319
Formal Classification of Nouns319
Formation of the Plural320
Formation of the Genitive322
Noun Categories323
Logical Categories of Nouns323
Exercises 201-226334
Classification of Determiners345
The Articles354
Forms of the Articles354
Common Uses of the Articles355
Use of the Definite Article356
Use of the Indefinite Article362
Use of the Zero Article366
Use of the Articles with Proper Nouns374
The Pronoun as Determiner379
The Demonstrative Pronoun as Determiner379
The Possessive Pronoun as Determiner379
The Interrogative Pronoun as Determiner381
The Indefinite Pronoun as Determiner382
Numerals as Determiners392
Adjectives as Determiners392
Exercises 227-243393
Adjectives as Premodifiers414
Nouns as Premodifiers414
Miscellaneous Premodifiers418
Adjectives as Postmodifiers419
Adverbs as Postmodifiers420
Nouns as Postmodifiers (Apposition)420
The Prepositional Phrase as Postmodifier421
Clauses as Postmodifiers423
Exercises 244-262430
Noun Substitutes441
The Pronoun as Noun Substitute441
The Personal Pronoun441
The Possessive Pronoun as Noun Substitute443
The Reflexive and Emphasizing Pronoun (Self-Pronoun)443
The Reciprocal Pronoun444
The Demonstrative Pronoun as Noun Substitute444
The Interrogative Pronoun as Noun Substitute445
The Indefinite Pronoun as Noun Substitute446
The Numeral as Noun Substitute449
Exercises 263-275449
Summary of Noun Phrases458
The Prepositional Phrase
The Preposition459
Formal Characteristics of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases459
The Functions of the Prepositional Phrase461
Exercises 276-280462
The Adjectival Phrase
The Adjective467
Classification of Adjectives467
Comparison of Adjectives468
Modification of Adjectives470
Premodifiers of Adjectives470
Postmodifiers of Adjectives471
Functions of the Adjectival Phrase474
Exercises 281-287475
Revision Exercises II (Exercises 288-289)479
Part Four - Sentences
General Characteristics of Sentences485
Definition of the Sentence485
Classification of Sentences486
Structural Classification of Sentences486
Functional Classification of Sentences487
Exercises 290-293488
Structure of the Sentence491
Subject + Verb491
Positions of the Subject in the Sentence492
Agreement between Subject and the Finite Verb502
Kinds of Subject506
Exercises 294-310510
Subject + Predicate523
Exercises 311-320534
Compound Sentences543
Exercises 321-325545
Complex Sentences549
Noun Clauses550
Adverbial Clauses556
Exercises 326-331558
Revision Exercises III. (Exercise 332)563
Irregular Verbs569
Irregular Plurals575
Plurals with Different Meaning579
Cardinal Numbers582
Ordinal Numbers583
Irregular Forms of Comparison586
Key to Exercises Based on Texts588
Key to Translation Exercises591

Dr. Budai László

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English Grammar
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