The Pituitary Gland and Its Neuroendocrine Control, edited by Ernst Knobil and Wilbur H. Sawyer, is the fourth volume in the American Physiological Society's Handbook of Physiology section on endocrinology. The volume provides an overview of past research on the hypothala-nio-hypophysial system and by the delineation of areas that are not clearly understood should serve as the stimulus for future research. Therefore it should be of great value to students, teachers, and investigators.
The two parts of this volume consist of 3 major segments. The first segment (4 chapters) deals with the morphology of the hypo-thalamo-hypophysial apparatus. The second (16 chapters) consists of extensive discussions of the synthesis, storage, release, metabolism, and actions of the neurohypophysial hormones; the third (23 chapters) concerns the hormones of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, their actions, and the control of their secretion by a variety of neuroendocrine systems, the...
The Pituitary Gland and Its Neuroendocrine Control, edited by Ernst Knobil and Wilbur H. Sawyer, is the fourth volume in the American Physiological Society's Handbook of Physiology section on endocrinology. The volume provides an overview of past research on the hypothala-nio-hypophysial system and by the delineation of areas that are not clearly understood should serve as the stimulus for future research. Therefore it should be of great value to students, teachers, and investigators.
The two parts of this volume consist of 3 major segments. The first segment (4 chapters) deals with the morphology of the hypo-thalamo-hypophysial apparatus. The second (16 chapters) consists of extensive discussions of the synthesis, storage, release, metabolism, and actions of the neurohypophysial hormones; the third (23 chapters) concerns the hormones of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, their actions, and the control of their secretion by a variety of neuroendocrine systems, the details of which remain to be elucidated.
The hypothalaino-hypophysial system is central to much of endocrine physiology in that it encompasses the major control system for adrenocortical, thyroid, and gonadal function in addition to exerting direct effects in the control of growth, lactation, and many aspects of renal, cardiovascular and reproductive physiology. The contents of this volume therefore impinge, at least in part, on those of every other in the Section on Endocrinology.
(Continued on back flap)
Distributed for
American Physiological Society by The Williams & Wilkins Company Baltimore, Maryland 21202
{Continued from front Jlap)
Already published volumes in this scction of the Handbook of Physiology arc
Volume I. Endocrine Pancreas. Edited by Donald F. Stcincr and Norbcrt Freinkel, 1972. 731 pages, 382 figures, index $45.00
Volume II. Female Reproductive System. Edited by Roy O. Creep, 1973. Part 1,
666 pages, 334 figures, index $44.50
Part 2
381 pages, 240 figures, index $25.00
Volume III. Thyroid.
Edited by Monte A. Greer and David H. Solomon, 1974. 500 pages, 216 figures, index $38.00
Topics of the remaining volumes in the section on endocrinology and their editors are the adrenal gland, George Sayers, Hermann Blaschko, and A. David Smith; the parathyroid gland, Gerald D. Aurbach; and the male reproductive system, Roy O. Greep and David W. Hamilton. The Section Editors are Roy O. Grccp and Edwin B. Astwood.
The subject index for each part of this volume of the Handbook was prepared by Constantine J. Gillespie, of the National Institutes of Health Library, Bethesda, Maryland.
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