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Emerging Markets

Lessons for business success and the outlook for different markets


Kiadó: The Economist Newspaper Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 216 oldal
Sorozatcím: The Economist
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 1-86197-408-6
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The Economist
Emerging Markets
Emerging markets can offer businesses much higher rates of growth than their developed-world operations. Coca-Cola's stock price increased by more than 3,000% between 1981 and 1997, for example, as the company quintupled in size, mostly thanks to bold investments in emerging markets. But time and time again firms that are market leaders in the developed world fail to replicate their success in emerging markets.
This book looks at the reasons why some firms fail and others succeed. Full of real-life corporate experiences, it analyses the strategic lessons for those planning to enter or who are already operating in emerging markets. It outlines the practical lessons of how, say, you make an acquisition work or deal with issues such as corruption. It shows how important it is for those responsible for emerging-market operations to manage the expectations of head office and for those at head office to make the effort to understand the problems their... Tovább


The Economist
Emerging Markets
Emerging markets can offer businesses much higher rates of growth than their developed-world operations. Coca-Cola's stock price increased by more than 3,000% between 1981 and 1997, for example, as the company quintupled in size, mostly thanks to bold investments in emerging markets. But time and time again firms that are market leaders in the developed world fail to replicate their success in emerging markets.
This book looks at the reasons why some firms fail and others succeed. Full of real-life corporate experiences, it analyses the strategic lessons for those planning to enter or who are already operating in emerging markets. It outlines the practical lessons of how, say, you make an acquisition work or deal with issues such as corruption. It shows how important it is for those responsible for emerging-market operations to manage the expectations of head office and for those at head office to make the effort to understand the problems their regional managers face. It gives advice on how to deal with the crises that inevitably hit emerging markets from time to time, and it provides an extensive review of the outlook for different emerging markets.
For anyone involved in or contemplating involvement in emerging markets this book will W prove hugely valuable in the insights and practical help it provides.
As growth has slowed in the developed world and the forces that have led to globalisation gather pace, more and more companies are seeking to do business in emerging markets, which, if you judge the market right and pursue the right strategy, offer enormous opportunities. But many firms stumble when they go into an emerging market and end up disappointed. This book aims to help them to succeed and to identify the markets with potential. It is divided into two parts:
Lessons for business success
• Why companies fail
• Managing expectations
• Market entry preparation
• Market research and business intelligence
• Assessing political risks
• Interpreting economic indicators
• Eternal dilemmas
• Reaching the local market
• Manufacturing in emerging markets
• Making acquisitions work
• Dealing with corruption and crime
• Human resources
• Corporate social responsibility
• Understanding and coping with crises
The outlook for different markets
• The global economy
• The business outlook
• Russia: a detailed Look Vissza


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Emerging Markets Emerging Markets
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