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Egyptian Temple Architecture

100 Years of Hungarian Excavations in Egypt, 1907-2007 - Egyiptom templomépítészete az Egyiptomi Magyar Ásatások (1907-2007) fényében

Kiadó: Kairosz Press
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 202 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 27 cm x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-963-662-084-4
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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This jubilee book celebrates a century of Hungárián excavations in Egypt, which began on i January 1907 with the first of nine archaeological missions over four academic generations. Describing the work and surveying the results of each of those nine expeditions, the book assesses the contribution of the Hungárián excavations to modern knowledge of ancient Egypt, and looks at the pivotal importance of the new discoveries to research into Egyptdan temple architecture. Through the beautifully illustrated pages of this centenary volume, __ _ _ __ the reader becomes acquainted with the archaeolodcal EGYPTIAN TEMPLE work of László Almásy, Fülöp Back, László Castiglione, Géza Fehérvári, Gyula Hajnóczi, Gyula Istvánfi, László Kákosy, and 100 Years of Hungárián Excavations T n/r , ,, . , , . . ^ r J & Lmre Makovecz, as well as with the gnpping story or the in Egypt, 19 07-2 007 succession of Hungárián missions to Egypt and the region. Győző Vörös, with an MA in Egyptology and a PhD in... Tovább


This jubilee book celebrates a century of Hungárián excavations in Egypt, which began on i January 1907 with the first of nine archaeological missions over four academic generations. Describing the work and surveying the results of each of those nine expeditions, the book assesses the contribution of the Hungárián excavations to modern knowledge of ancient Egypt, and looks at the pivotal importance of the new discoveries to research into Egyptdan temple architecture. Through the beautifully illustrated pages of this centenary volume, __ _ _ __ the reader becomes acquainted with the archaeolodcal EGYPTIAN TEMPLE work of László Almásy, Fülöp Back, László Castiglione, Géza Fehérvári, Gyula Hajnóczi, Gyula Istvánfi, László Kákosy, and 100 Years of Hungárián Excavations T n/r , ,, . , , . . ^ r J & Lmre Makovecz, as well as with the gnpping story or the in Egypt, 19 07-2 007 succession of Hungárián missions to Egypt and the region. Győző Vörös, with an MA in Egyptology and a PhD in architecture, has been working in the Middle East since 1994. He was the director of the Hungárián excavations in Egypt over a period of ten years: four years in Thebes (Thoth Elill), and six at Alexandria (Taposiris Magna). Since 2004, he has directed die Hungárián Archaeological Mission to Cyprus, in Paphos, die Greco-Roman capital of the isi and. He is the autlior of the following books in English: Temple on the Pyrarnid of Thebes (1998), Taposiris Magna: Port oflsis (2001), and Taposiris Magna: A Temple, Fortressy and Monasteiy of Egypt (2004). Vissza


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