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The Silent Language

An anthropologist reveals how we communicate by our manners and behavior


Kiadó: Anchor Press-Doubleday
Kiadás helye: Garden City-New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 217 oldal
Sorozatcím: Anchor Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 10 cm
ISBN: 0-385-05549-8
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A beállítást mentettük,
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The Sileni Language
Edward T. Hall
In the everyday but unspoken give-and-take of human relationships, the "silent language" plays a vitally important rôle. Here, a leading American anthropologist has analyzed the many ways in which people "talk" to one another without the use of words.
The pecking order in a chicken yard,.the tierce compétition in a school playground, every unwitting gesture and action—this is the vocabulary of the "silent language." According to Dr. Hall, the concepts of space and time are tools with which all human beings may transmit messages. Space, for example, is the outgrowth of.an animal's instinctive defense of his lair and is reflected in human society by the office worker's jealous defense of his desk, or the guarded, walled patio of a Latin-American home. Similarly, the concept of time, varying from Western precision to Eastern vagueness, is revealed by the businessman who pointedly keeps a client waiting, or the South Pacific islander who murders... Tovább


The Sileni Language
Edward T. Hall
In the everyday but unspoken give-and-take of human relationships, the "silent language" plays a vitally important rôle. Here, a leading American anthropologist has analyzed the many ways in which people "talk" to one another without the use of words.
The pecking order in a chicken yard,.the tierce compétition in a school playground, every unwitting gesture and action—this is the vocabulary of the "silent language." According to Dr. Hall, the concepts of space and time are tools with which all human beings may transmit messages. Space, for example, is the outgrowth of.an animal's instinctive defense of his lair and is reflected in human society by the office worker's jealous defense of his desk, or the guarded, walled patio of a Latin-American home. Similarly, the concept of time, varying from Western precision to Eastern vagueness, is revealed by the businessman who pointedly keeps a client waiting, or the South Pacific islander who murders his neighbor for an injustice suffered twenty years ago. Vissza



Edward T. Hall

Edward T. Hall műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Edward T. Hall könyvek, művek
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