A child of Pop Art, Keith Haring grew up with comics and cartoons, with the glittering phenomena of moss culture. Thus, everything he mode tended to be suitable for rapid distribution and universal use. During his ten-year career he continually made his noisy stick figures and labyrinths of line over into lithographs, silk screens, relief prints, and etchings. To illustrate his eruptive messages, he found signs for violence, money, sex, Aids, religion, and racism, which as allegorical figures describe current events. This book documents, for the first time, the complete prints of Keith Haring, including the "Flowers," the "Bad Boys," the "White Icons," the silk-screen illustrations for "Apocalypse," the etching sequence "From the Valley," and, not least, the famous "Blueprint Drawings" that mark the beginning of his New ' York career. Als Kind der Pop Art ist Keith Haring mit Comics und Cartoons, mit den fluoreszierenden Erscheinungen der Massenkultur aufgewachsen, und so tendierte...
A child of Pop Art, Keith Haring grew up with comics and cartoons, with the glittering phenomena of moss culture. Thus, everything he mode tended to be suitable for rapid distribution and universal use. During his ten-year career he continually made his noisy stick figures and labyrinths of line over into lithographs, silk screens, relief prints, and etchings. To illustrate his eruptive messages, he found signs for violence, money, sex, Aids, religion, and racism, which as allegorical figures describe current events. This book documents, for the first time, the complete prints of Keith Haring, including the "Flowers," the "Bad Boys," the "White Icons," the silk-screen illustrations for "Apocalypse," the etching sequence "From the Valley," and, not least, the famous "Blueprint Drawings" that mark the beginning of his New ' York career. Als Kind der Pop Art ist Keith Haring mit Comics und Cartoons, mit den fluoreszierenden Erscheinungen der Massenkultur aufgewachsen, und so tendierte alles, was er machte, zur raschen Verbreitung und universellen Anwendung. Wahrend seiner zehnjahrigen Karriere hat er seine marktschreierischen Strichfiguren und Liniealabyrinthe immer wieder in Lithographien, Siebdrucke, Pragedrucke und Radierungen umgesetzt. Für die explosiven Botschaften fand er Zeichen zu Gewalt, Geld, Sex und Aids, zu Religion und Rassismus, die als alíegorische Figuren das Zeitgeschehen dokumen^ tieren. Der vorliegende Band, der erstmals das gesamte druckgraphische Werk von Keith Haring zeigt, enthalt neben den »Flowers«, den »Bad Boys«, den »White lcons«, den Siebdruck-lllustrationen zu »Apocalypse« und der Radierfolge »From the Valley« die Siebdruckfolge von 1991 zu den berühmten »Blüeprint Drawings«, mit denen 1981 seine Karriere in New "York begann.