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Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment

Proceedings of the International Conference at Stensund Folk College Sweden March 24-28, 1991

Kiadó: Bokskogen
Kiadás helye: Gothenburg
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 365 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 91-7776-059-X
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal. További szerzők a műben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Ecological Engineering for
Wastewater Treatment
New perspectives for solving environmental problems are urgently needed in today's world. By using nature as a model for ecological design, we can learn to harmonize with natural processes and work in partnership with nature. New emerging technologies have been developed from this perspective, partly on the basis of ancient knowledge, by ecologists and engineers working in cooperation.
These technologies are dealt with in this volume, as concerns treatment of wastewater in many different fashions and in very different areas of the world. Therefore you can find, among the some 30 papers and additional poster papers, project descriptions from Alaska, as well as from China, Norway, Hungary,.Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, India, Sweden, Canada, and USA.
This volume includes reports of practical experience and the latest theoretical research, as well as social, economical, and... Tovább


Ecological Engineering for
Wastewater Treatment
New perspectives for solving environmental problems are urgently needed in today's world. By using nature as a model for ecological design, we can learn to harmonize with natural processes and work in partnership with nature. New emerging technologies have been developed from this perspective, partly on the basis of ancient knowledge, by ecologists and engineers working in cooperation.
These technologies are dealt with in this volume, as concerns treatment of wastewater in many different fashions and in very different areas of the world. Therefore you can find, among the some 30 papers and additional poster papers, project descriptions from Alaska, as well as from China, Norway, Hungary,.Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, India, Sweden, Canada, and USA.
This volume includes reports of practical experience and the latest theoretical research, as well as social, economical, and commercial aspects of various applications of ecological engineering, such as "managed" wetlands, both natural and constructed, reed beds, fish cultures and integrated polycultures, both outdoors and in greenhouses.
Included also are six case studies that were performed during the conference in the surroundings of Trosa, and in Stockholm, by the conference participants.
This essential guide to the ecological technologies of the future for controlling water pollution is published by Bokskogen in cooperation with Stensund Folk College.
Edited by Carl Etnier and Björn Guterstam Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment

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