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Driving Force/Sotah/The Doll's House/The Bears and I

Reader's Digest Condensed Books Volume 2., 1993

New York
Kiadó: The Reader's Digest Associaton
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 574 oldal
Sorozatcím: Reader's Digest Condensed Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 14 cm
Megjegyzés: Négy mű egy kötetben. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben. Fekete-fehér és színes illusztrációkat tartalmaz.
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DRIVING FORCE by Dick Francis Putnam, $21.95
Freddie Croft doesn't have an en-emy in the world. Once a cham-pion jockey, now the owner of a M f
thriving horse-transport service, >. »
Freddie has a long list of satisfied customers. Still, there's something strange going on. First a mysteri-ous hitchhiker turns up dead in one of Freddie's transports. Then ^D^Kj^^^L an employee is found murdered. Seems Freddie does have an enemy after all. Someone who wants to put him out of business—permanently. Dick Francis is back, with another tale of horseplay and homicide that races to a nail-biting finish. Page 7
by Naomi Ragen Crown, $22.00
In the heart of the Holy Land a rabbi's beautiful daughter faces the joys and burdens of her heritage— and her own deepest yearnings. Although Dina Reich was raised to be an obedient daughter and a dutiful wife, she harbors dreams: dreams of knowledge, of romance, of excitement. To follow those dreams, she must pay a high and bitter price, but... Tovább


DRIVING FORCE by Dick Francis Putnam, $21.95
Freddie Croft doesn't have an en-emy in the world. Once a cham-pion jockey, now the owner of a M f
thriving horse-transport service, >. »
Freddie has a long list of satisfied customers. Still, there's something strange going on. First a mysteri-ous hitchhiker turns up dead in one of Freddie's transports. Then ^D^Kj^^^L an employee is found murdered. Seems Freddie does have an enemy after all. Someone who wants to put him out of business—permanently. Dick Francis is back, with another tale of horseplay and homicide that races to a nail-biting finish. Page 7
by Naomi Ragen Crown, $22.00
In the heart of the Holy Land a rabbi's beautiful daughter faces the joys and burdens of her heritage— and her own deepest yearnings. Although Dina Reich was raised to be an obedient daughter and a dutiful wife, she harbors dreams: dreams of knowledge, of romance, of excitement. To follow those dreams, she must pay a high and bitter price, but only then can she reclaim the meaning of her own life. A deeply felt story of the struggle to reconcile choice and tradition and to shape a life enriched by faith and love. Page 159
THE DOLL'S HOUSE by Evelyn Anthony HarperCollins, $20.00
With the end of the cold war a nightmare scenario emerges. Six professional spies—their jobs obsolete but their deadly skills intact—combine forces as terrorists for hire. Their leader is a charming but lethal assassin named Harry Oakham; their headquarters, a picturesque hotel in the
(continued from front flap)
English countryside. When Rosa Bennet, a newly divorced diplomat on a mission for British intelligence, infiltrates their lair, the scene is set for danger and intrigue. From the author of A Place to Hide, a thriller of page-turning intensity. Page 345
THE BEARS AND I by Robert Franklin Leslie Dutton
In the 1920s a strong young man
could still rustle up some funds for /
college by digging for gold in j gjm\jf jfjjB?
western Canada. One such adven- |
turer's stint in the wild was altered 4,1jHf J
completely when he was adopted Jy^
by three boisterous orphaned bear
cubs. As man and bears battle forest fires, drought, and
hungry predators, a deep trust develops between them—
one that only encroaching civilization can spoil. The
touching story of an attachment one young man never
expected—and would never forget. Page 491
Coming in a future volume
by Henry Denker
Samuel Horowitz is crusty, cranky, and in desperate need of a reason to live. His former nurse, Harriet Washington, has a plan that might bring him around—but one false step could jeopardize everything. The delightful return of two favorite Condensed Books characters.
POINT OF IMPACT by Stephen Hunter Bob Lee Swagger is a Vietnam War hero framed for a spectacular crime he didn't commit. He's free now, but for how long? The police want him, the FBI wants him— and the real criminals want him too. A fast-paced novel of twists, turns, and nonstop action. Vissza




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