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Rhett Butler's People

Kiadó: Pan Books
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 518 oldal
Sorozatcím: Pan Fiction
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 978-0-330-45582-4
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
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DiD HE REALLY GIVE A DANIN? Rhett's side to one of the rpost famoiis love stories of all time. Expelled from the well known military academy at West Point, Rhett Mer begins a life blockade-rlmning off the Mina coast Laúnching a lücrative shipping concern in New Orleans and seeking bis forüine in tbe Wild West, gold-mad city of San Francisco, be finally retürns to j Gharleston, where he first meets the woman who is to beconje his obsession ~ Scarlett O'Hara. 'i From the &yí1 War's early Gonfederate triümphs, throügh the desperate years as the Soüth slowly süccümbs, Rl/ett Butler's People follows the müch-loved, passionate story of Rhett and Scarlett, and the familiar east of characters - büt with fresh eyes and a new perspective. Leading to a breathtaking climax at TVa, where Rhett's past fmally catches úp with hin?, will tomorrow become another day for Rhett and Scarlett? 'Án engrossing üpdate of Sone With The Wind that fans of tfee originál will defmitely give a dantn aboüt'... Tovább


DiD HE REALLY GIVE A DANIN? Rhett's side to one of the rpost famoiis love stories of all time. Expelled from the well known military academy at West Point, Rhett Mer begins a life blockade-rlmning off the Mina coast Laúnching a lücrative shipping concern in New Orleans and seeking bis forüine in tbe Wild West, gold-mad city of San Francisco, be finally retürns to j Gharleston, where he first meets the woman who is to beconje his obsession ~ Scarlett O'Hara. 'i From the &yí1 War's early Gonfederate triümphs, throügh the desperate years as the Soüth slowly süccümbs, Rl/ett Butler's People follows the müch-loved, passionate story of Rhett and Scarlett, and the familiar east of characters - büt with fresh eyes and a new perspective. Leading to a breathtaking climax at TVa, where Rhett's past fmally catches úp with hin?, will tomorrow become another day for Rhett and Scarlett? 'Án engrossing üpdate of Sone With The Wind that fans of tfee originál will defmitely give a dantn aboüt' PUBUSHERS WEEKLY Vissza

Donald McCaig

Donald McCaig műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Donald McCaig könyvek, művek
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