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Death by Chocolate Cakes

An Astonishing Array of Chocolate Enchantments

Kapcsolódó személy

Kiadó: William Morrow
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 216 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 26 cm x 26 cm
ISBN: 0-688-16297-5
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal.
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Death by Chocolate Cakes
"He's back! And not a moment too soon for us cliocolate lovers. This time, Marcel Desaulniers and Ills gang IVoin Ganache Hill give us gotta-have chocolate cakes of ever\' variet)'. from simple to all-out special, from lovable Baby Cakes (what grown-up bal^v wouldn't love Chocolate Chip Goober Gobble Cupcakes?) to Sky High Cakes that stack up in ever\- sense of the temi. and each delivers pleasure—the pleasure of making ihem, the pleasure of sharing them, and of course, the great pleasure of eating them."
—Doric Greenspan, author of Baking with Julia and Desserts by Pierre Hernié
"Marcel's delicious chocolate cakes are page after page irresistible. No one in tlie world of baking iniderstands like he does what makes a chocolate cake great. This is a nnist-have chocolate lover's confession."
—Gale Gand. pastiy chef and co-owner of Brasserie T and Tru. and co-author of Butter Sugar Flour Eggs
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Death by Chocolate Cakes
"He's back! And not a moment too soon for us cliocolate lovers. This time, Marcel Desaulniers and Ills gang IVoin Ganache Hill give us gotta-have chocolate cakes of ever\' variet)'. from simple to all-out special, from lovable Baby Cakes (what grown-up bal^v wouldn't love Chocolate Chip Goober Gobble Cupcakes?) to Sky High Cakes that stack up in ever\- sense of the temi. and each delivers pleasure—the pleasure of making ihem, the pleasure of sharing them, and of course, the great pleasure of eating them."
—Doric Greenspan, author of Baking with Julia and Desserts by Pierre Hernié
"Marcel's delicious chocolate cakes are page after page irresistible. No one in tlie world of baking iniderstands like he does what makes a chocolate cake great. This is a nnist-have chocolate lover's confession."
—Gale Gand. pastiy chef and co-owner of Brasserie T and Tru. and co-author of Butter Sugar Flour Eggs
'¦\Vow! Tlie instant 1 opened tills remai kabic book. 1 knew tlial MarccI Desaidniers would satisfy my cleepcsl and darkest chocolate cravings. With ('.x|jcrt in.sirui'tious and cngaghig miecdotes. you'll be tiu'uing out dazzling, over-the-lo]) chocolate desserts lliat will make vou swoon. Kroni one chocolate lover to another, nimik.^. Marcel!" .
—David Lebovitz. autlior ol" Itooni for Desseti

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or the chocolate lover, there is nothing like biting into a rich, dark slice of chocolate cake. More than a mouthful of something wonderful, it's a chocolate celebration. And nobody knows how to celebrate chocolate cakes better than the "guru of ganache," chef Marcel Desaulniers.
In Death by Chocolate Cakes, Marcel serves up some of his most inventive, most sinful, most seductive chocolate creations ever. His Chocolate Heart of Darkness cakes are the ultimate cupcakes. The secret—a melted chocolate truffle center. For an unforgettable birthday cake, serve the one he created for Julia Child: a ganache-covered chocolate almond cake with red raspberry mousse.
Have the desire for something that towers over ordinary chocolate desserts? Look up Excessively Expressive Espresso Ecstasy or Chocolate Strawberry Teardrop Cake. These are exactly the things when "over the top" is what you want. And for an elegant taste of Paris, try Marcel's Chocolate Pistachio Madeleines.
When you just can't wait for that chocolate fix, Marcel has plenty of quick-and-easy recipes, some of which come from Marcel's mom's circle of chocolate-lover friends. Pour yourself a cold glass of milk and dig into Margie's Golden Raisin Heavy Fudge Cake, Virginia's Cocoa Pound Cake with Warm Buttered Brandy Berries, or Mimi Montano's Chocolate Zucchini Cake. As a bonus, there is a collection of ice creams, sauces, beverages, and other delectables that are the perfect
partners to Marcel's creations and an informative section on equipment, ingredients, and techniques.
Death by Chocolate Cakes truly takes the cake and then takes it to where it's never been before.
Marcel Desaulniers is the executive chef and co-owner of the Trellis Restaurant in Williamsburg, Virginia. A 1965 graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, Marcel has received several national awards, including Food and Wine's Honor Roll of American Chefs, the Who's Who of Food and Beverage in America, the prestigious Ivy Award from Restaurants and Institutions, the 1993 James Beard Award for Best American Chef Mid-Atlantic States, the highly coveted Silver Palate award from the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association, and the 1999 James Beard Award for Outstanding Pastry Chef in America. Marcel is the author of Death by-Chocolate, Desserts to Die For, An Alphabet of Sweets, and Death by Chocolate Cookies.
William Morrow An Imprint o/HarperCollinsP«6/is/zeri www. harp er collins .com Vissza



Marcel Desaulniers

Marcel Desaulniers műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Marcel Desaulniers könyvek, művek
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Death by Chocolate Cakes Death by Chocolate Cakes Death by Chocolate Cakes Death by Chocolate Cakes Death by Chocolate Cakes Death by Chocolate Cakes
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