What makes this river a completely extraordinary figure, however, is its ability to conquer time: after it has
gathered, for 13,000 years, the vast waters from Europe's heart (from Switzerland, up nearly to Trieste close to
Nürnberg and from the depths of the Balkans) it mixes them all together all the information and material they
contain, and it forms, before pouring out into the Black Sea, a land that forever changes, eternally young and
capricious. That is the Danube Delta!
This exotic land in the form of Greek letter which its name bears, offers the world a wildlife preserve that is unique
in Europe: it is the richest ornithological fauna on the continent (over 300 species) made up of five different kinds of
birds; Mediterranean, European, Siberian, Mongolian and Chinese, a considerable ichthyological fauna (among which
Danubian pike and mackerel are just two of the 150 kinds of fish) and 1,200 varieties of plants and trees.
The Danube Delta is a destination for...
What makes this river a completely extraordinary figure, however, is its ability to conquer time: after it has
gathered, for 13,000 years, the vast waters from Europe's heart (from Switzerland, up nearly to Trieste close to
Nürnberg and from the depths of the Balkans) it mixes them all together all the information and material they
contain, and it forms, before pouring out into the Black Sea, a land that forever changes, eternally young and
capricious. That is the Danube Delta!
This exotic land in the form of Greek letter which its name bears, offers the world a wildlife preserve that is unique
in Europe: it is the richest ornithological fauna on the continent (over 300 species) made up of five different kinds of
birds; Mediterranean, European, Siberian, Mongolian and Chinese, a considerable ichthyological fauna (among which
Danubian pike and mackerel are just two of the 150 kinds of fish) and 1,200 varieties of plants and trees.
The Danube Delta is a destination for those that are connoisseurs but also for the people who are eager for discovering
a savage nature.