Success with The Penguin
Success with English is a modern, fully illustrated course in three stages now used successfulSy by studenís in many countries throughoui the world The course reaíly fets you learn English as ií is spoken today, the English people use and need, the Engijsh of shops and libraries, parties and the cinema, letters and teiephones.
The General Editor. Geoffrey Broughton, began tc teach English" as a foreign language during hís army service with Mauntian troops. After wide expenence of teaching \n schooí; ne took up the traíning of teachers of English, first at the Malayan Teachers Traíning College Ksrkby. and smce 1963 at the Umversity of London jnstitute of Education. Teo> Kng English and lectunng to teachers has taken hím to Aüsfria.-Brazil. Czechosfovakia, Denmdrk Egypt, Holland, Hungary, Iran. Nigéria. Póland and Spain He has written and edited many books concerned vvith English as á foréign language, and is well-known as. a contnbutor to
Success with The Penguin
Success with English is a modern, fully illustrated course in three stages now used successfulSy by studenís in many countries throughoui the world The course reaíly fets you learn English as ií is spoken today, the English people use and need, the Engijsh of shops and libraries, parties and the cinema, letters and teiephones.
The General Editor. Geoffrey Broughton, began tc teach English" as a foreign language during hís army service with Mauntian troops. After wide expenence of teaching \n schooí; ne took up the traíning of teachers of English, first at the Malayan Teachers Traíning College Ksrkby. and smce 1963 at the Umversity of London jnstitute of Education. Teo> Kng English and lectunng to teachers has taken hím to Aüsfria.-Brazil. Czechosfovakia, Denmdrk Egypt, Holland, Hungary, Iran. Nigéria. Póland and Spain He has written and edited many books concerned vvith English as á foréign language, and is well-known as. a contnbutor to
B.B.C. English by Radio programmes. He is marned. with three ch'ldren.
Dehghtfuí, thorough and solidly competent. 'Education Quarterly
A^m m
\ . .anyone concerned with providing a basic or remediai course for adults, particularly if a language laboratory is available, would do weíl to look at Success with English/ Efigiísh Balléin
a work informed not mereiy by theoretical rigour but rich in the resuits of emptncal
research.' Contemporary Revtew
'Success with English is a course that is certam to be widely used and will doubtiess form the basis of E.F.L teaching in mstitutions throughout the world It deserves a long and eminent career The authors would almost certainly prefer to be remembered as teachers rather than theorists, and on the basis of this course, they are likely to succeed.' Audio-Visua! Language Journal
Cover design by Arihur Lockwood
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