Born Szigetszentmiklós, 13. 12. 1896. Studied composition under Zoltán Kodály, was graduated in 1925 simultaneously alsó from Hungárián literature. In time the fírst World War he was taken P.O.W. in Russia, during which he saw Western Siberia and Turkestan, pursuing continued his musical profession. There too in 1933 he studied conducting under Félix Weingartner. From 1929 to 1959 he was professor at the Academy of Music, Budapest (faculty: training courses of singing, and éducation of secondary school music teachers). He was a member of the Board of Directors of ISME (International Society for Musical Education), and secretary of the Hungárián Section of the International Folk Music Council. In 1955 he was awarded the title of "Merited Artist of the Hungárián People's Republic", and in 1957 the Kossuth Prize.
STAGE WORKS: Ez a mi földünk (That is Our Countiy), 1923; Magyar karácsony (Hungárián Christmas), 1930,Mária Veronika (Maiy Veronica), 1936-37.
CHORAL WORKS: Falu végén kurta kocsma (Village Inn), 1927, MK; Two Mixed Choruses, 1930; Hej, rózsa, rózsa (Hey, Rose, Rose), Foetisch Freres S. A., Lausanne; Cinegemadár (You Little Bird), 1939, MK; Szegény juhász nótái (Songs of the Poor Shepherd), 1939, MK; Somogy-balatoni nóták (Folk Songs from the Somogy-Balaton Region), 1939, MK, EMB.
ORCHESTRAL MUSIC: Dominica Suite, 1925, transcription :Az én falum (My Village), 1963 \Méditation from "Mary Veronica", 1938.