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Confessions of a Shopaholic

Egy boltkóros naplója


Kiadó: Bantam Dell
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 348 oldal
Sorozatcím: Shopaholic
Kötetszám: 1
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 17 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-440-24141-3
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
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A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Meet Becky Bfoomwood, an irresistible heroine with a big heart, big dreams—and just one little weakness
Confessions of a ShOpahöliC
Becky B/oomwood has what most twenty-five-year-olds only dream of: a fiat in London's trendiest neighborhood, a troupe of glamorous socialite friends, and a closet brimming with the season's must-haves. The only trouble is, she can't actually afford it—not any of it. Her job writing at Successful Saving magaziné not only bores her to tears, it doesn't pay much at all. Still, how can she resist that perfect pair of shoes? Or the divine síik blouse in the window of that ultra-trendy boutique? But lately Becky's been chased by dismal letters from Visa and the Endwich Bank—letters with large red sums she can't bear to read—and they're getting ever harder to ignore. She tries cutting back; she even tries making more money. But none of her efforts succeeds. Her only consolation is to buy herself something just a little something
Finally, a story arises... Tovább


Meet Becky Bfoomwood, an irresistible heroine with a big heart, big dreams—and just one little weakness
Confessions of a ShOpahöliC
Becky B/oomwood has what most twenty-five-year-olds only dream of: a fiat in London's trendiest neighborhood, a troupe of glamorous socialite friends, and a closet brimming with the season's must-haves. The only trouble is, she can't actually afford it—not any of it. Her job writing at Successful Saving magaziné not only bores her to tears, it doesn't pay much at all. Still, how can she resist that perfect pair of shoes? Or the divine síik blouse in the window of that ultra-trendy boutique? But lately Becky's been chased by dismal letters from Visa and the Endwich Bank—letters with large red sums she can't bear to read—and they're getting ever harder to ignore. She tries cutting back; she even tries making more money. But none of her efforts succeeds. Her only consolation is to buy herself something just a little something
Finally, a story arises that Becky actually cares about, and her front->age article catalyzes a chain of events that will transform her life— nd the lives of those around her—forever.
SOPHIE KINSELLA is a writer and former financial journalist. She is very, very careful with her money and only occasionally finds herself queuing for a sale. Her relationship with her bank manager is excellent. Vissza

Sophie Kinsella

Sophie Kinsella műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Sophie Kinsella könyvek, művek
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