
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Computer Aided Design Modelling, Systems Engineering, CAD-Systems

CREST Advanced Course Darmstadt, 8.-19. September 1980


Kiadó: Springer-Verlag
Kiadás helye: Berlin
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 461 oldal
Sorozatcím: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Kötetszám: 89
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal, ábrákkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






iThis series reports new developments in computer science research and teaching - quickly, informally and at a high level. The type of materia! considered for publication-includes: 1. Preliminary drafts of original papers and monographs .2w Lectures on a n^w field or presentations of a.new angle in a classical field's Seminar work-outs ¦ \ 4. Reports of meetings, provided they are
a) of exceptionai interest and . , :
T b) devoted to a sjingle topic. '
Texts which are óút of pnnt but stilt in demand may a!sb be considered if^they fajl within these^^^^ ¦ ^
The:ti'ries manuscript Is more important than its form, which may be ur^frntshed or tentative. Thus,^in some instances, proofs máy be t merely pütlined'}^^ presentéíi which have; been or wilt later
be published elsewhere. If possible, a subject index shcujd bejnciuded Éíi Publication qf Lecture Notes, Is ifiíended as aserviQisíOjffi^ J conipuipr science community, in that a cprrímefóiái pu^^^ i Veriag, can offer a wide... Tovább


iThis series reports new developments in computer science research and teaching - quickly, informally and at a high level. The type of materia! considered for publication-includes: 1. Preliminary drafts of original papers and monographs .2w Lectures on a n^w field or presentations of a.new angle in a classical field's Seminar work-outs ¦ \ 4. Reports of meetings, provided they are
a) of exceptionai interest and . , :
T b) devoted to a sjingle topic. '
Texts which are óút of pnnt but stilt in demand may a!sb be considered if^they fajl within these^^^^ ¦ ^
The:ti'ries manuscript Is more important than its form, which may be ur^frntshed or tentative. Thus,^in some instances, proofs máy be t merely pütlined'}^^ presentéíi which have; been or wilt later
be published elsewhere. If possible, a subject index shcujd bejnciuded Éíi Publication qf Lecture Notes, Is ifiíended as aserviQisíOjffi^ J conipuipr science community, in that a cprrímefóiái pu^^^ i Veriag, can offer a wide dislribtítión ofdocuments ¦ which;vvould • ^her-wise have a 'fó^ídcted readership. Once published aoiJ cqpy^ they can be documented in the scientific literature. : ^ • ' :

Menuiicrlii's" ¦ ¦ ; • ¦ : ¦. v' "' "
Mamif.criptssNoqldtie'nc«:!^^^ pretebly no more than 500 paye^ iitloiVgtK ;
They aro repi-oc^ced .&y' a phoiogiaphio'proces^ therefore must cace- Synibcis
not on thevtypeyi^Ater fS.h9U!ii .b^ ^nserted barici in indelible, black Jnilf : -fypefe'cript ¦
should bs rnadif, iiy'^^feit^ !jrtiHe n out errprs with v/hit&lcoj'rsctictn if^
75 free copies "and are free'to use th^ materia! in; other pUbtications; 'size during ni^'t oe obtained Unless
.the overall limit oi neqUMt iN
the typing si^g oMtimed t ' ' i ^ h
Sprihyer-Verlag. Heidtflbergtw Piati 3 D-IOCO Ide/iirt 33 ^ ^rfi: I Springer-Verlag, NeiienheirViöf Lands^rafle JS-SO, D-6900 Heidéí! , Spnnger-Verlat], 1 TS Fifth Avextue, New York, NY 10010/üSA
iSBN 3-540 10?42-Ö ISBN 0-387 10242 6



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