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Comments on Ceylonese Snakes of the Genus Typhlops with Descriptions of New Species

The University of Kansas Science Bulletin November 1, 1947. Vol. XXXI, pt. II. No. 13./Különlenyomat

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Kötés típusa: Tűzött kötés
Oldalszám: 15 oldal
Sorozatcím: The University of Kansas Science Bulletin
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 16 cm
Megjegyzés: Különlenyomat. Néhány fekete-fehér ábrával illusztrált.
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THE UNIVEKSITY OF KANSAS SGIENGE BULLETIN Vol. XXXI, pt. II.] November 1, 1947 [No. 13 Comments on Ceylonese Snakes of the Genus Typhlops with Descriptions of New Species By EDWARD H. TAYLOR... Tovább


THE UNIVEKSITY OF KANSAS SGIENGE BULLETIN Vol. XXXI, pt. II.] November 1, 1947 [No. 13 Comments on Ceylonese Snakes of the Genus Typhlops with Descriptions of New Species By EDWARD H. TAYLOR Abstract: Five new species of the small blind snakes of the genus Typhlops are desoribed from the Island of Ceylon. These are Typhlops lankaensis, T. violaceus, T. malcolmi, T. tenebrarum, and T. veddae. Five other forms are reported aiso. These are Typhlops braminus, T. porrectus, T. mirus, T. ceylonicus, and T. leucomelas. THE most recent review of the snakes of Ceylon, is included in a recent volume by Malcolm Smith, which deals with the fauna of India and southeastern Asia.'* In this entire region 19 species belonging to the genus Typhlops Oppel are recognized, one of the species being represented by two subspecies. Of the 19 species, five are reported from the island of Ceylon. Three of these have not been found elsewhere and are presumed to be endemic. The species are: 1. Typhlops mirus Jan, a species described about 85 years ago, but known from very few specimens, and from the single definite locality-Peradeniya. Endemic. 2. Typhlops leucomelas Boulenger. Known from two specimens. Endemic. 3. Typhlops ceylonicus Smith. The type is the only known specimen. Endemic. 4. Typhlops porrectus Stoliczka. This species occurs in India and Burma. It was recorded for the first time from Ceylon in 1897 by Méhely. Smith reports a specimen from Punduloya, Ceylon. 5. Typhlops braminus (Daudin), a widely distributed species, long known from Ceylon. * The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, including tlie whole of the Indo-Chinese Sub-Region; Reptilia and Amphibia, Vol. III, Serpentes, Dec. 1943, London pp. I-XII 1- 583, text figs. 1-106, 1 map. Vissza

Edward H. Taylor

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Comments on Ceylonese Snakes of the Genus Typhlops with Descriptions of New Species Comments on Ceylonese Snakes of the Genus Typhlops with Descriptions of New Species Comments on Ceylonese Snakes of the Genus Typhlops with Descriptions of New Species

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