Collage is one of the most popular art forms of
our time and now rivals painting as a creative
medium. Anne Brigadier's book is the first of its
kind to explore all the techniques of making col-
lage, from selecting the ground to framing the
final piece.
After discussing briefly the history of collage,
the author describes the materials and tools nec-
essary for beginning, including an extensive list
of found objects. The selection of the proper
ground is vital to a successful collage: how to use
grounds are all described in detail. This is fol-
lowed by a section which tells you how to prime
these grounds, with suggestions on how to use
colored primers.
Adhesives are an important aspect of the col-
lage as well, and contribute greatly to the success
of the completed work. Techniques for applying
all kinds of adhesives are described thoroughly.
From here, the author explores the ways of
using materials for collages. A chapter on maga-
zines and newspapers...
Collage is one of the most popular art forms of
our time and now rivals painting as a creative
medium. Anne Brigadier's book is the first of its
kind to explore all the techniques of making col-
lage, from selecting the ground to framing the
final piece.
After discussing briefly the history of collage,
the author describes the materials and tools nec-
essary for beginning, including an extensive list
of found objects. The selection of the proper
ground is vital to a successful collage: how to use
grounds are all described in detail. This is fol-
lowed by a section which tells you how to prime
these grounds, with suggestions on how to use
colored primers.
Adhesives are an important aspect of the col-
lage as well, and contribute greatly to the success
of the completed work. Techniques for applying
all kinds of adhesives are described thoroughly.
From here, the author explores the ways of
using materials for collages. A chapter on maga-
zines and newspapers describes how to use these
materials and how to alter them—by wetting and
modifying the sheet. Art papers, including draw-
ing and painting papers, gold and metal leaf,
oriental papers, are described in detail, with spe-
cific suggestions on how to order them.
Never before has the use of tissues been ex-
plored in such detail: gluing tissues, creating
tones and colors with tissues, drawing and design-
ing over tissues, laminating tissues, stained glass
and veined effects, color washes with tissues,
bleeding tissues, etc.
The author then describes methods of prepar-
ing your own papers: oil in water prints, mono-
prints, rubbings, cheesecloth and sponge prints,
spray paint prints, color with paint and crayons.
To achieve textures with collage, the book dem-
onstrates ways of using food, granular materials,
cloth, thread, gesso and gel techniques, among
the many possible methods.
Treating cloths for collage, and means of modi-
fying their color, texture, and pattern are ex-
plored. A highly informative chapter on encaustic
techniques simplifies this age-old technique of
using wax. This is followed by chapters on smok-
ing, scorching, and burning; on tearing, scraping,
and cutting; on texturing with acrylic emulsions
and paint; on edges as textural interest. A chap-
ter on miscellaneous textures shows how to use
such items as staples, mildewed papers, and rusted
tin cans. The concluding chapter offers advice to
the student on general working procedures and
framing the finished collage.
The book is abundantly illustrated with over
200 black and white halftones, including the
works of such masters as Juan Gris, Pablo Picasso,
and Henri Matisse. One hundred color plates
give conclusive evidence that these methods pro-
duce exquisite collages.
192 pages. 8!/2 x 11. Over 200 halftone illustra-
tions. 100 color plates. List of paper suppliers.