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English File - intermediate - Student's Book

English File - középfok - Tankönyv

Kiadó: Oxford University Press
Kiadás helye: Oxford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 159 oldal
Sorozatcím: English File
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 29 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 0-19-436678-2
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Contents Grammar ^lli^lHHHHMI Pronunciation
6 Introduction Question formát ion Alphabet, numbers, dates Alphabet, vowel sounds
8 Q How we met Present perfect or past simple Reflexive pronouns (himself, etc.), each other Relationship expressions: get to know, etc. Sounds: past participles Weak forms of have
12 FI Carittg and sharing? Present perfect continuous or simple yet, just, already Common verb phrases: do, make, get, etc. Sentence stress Weak forms
16 Cl Good relations both, neither, either look/look like Family words: niece, etc. Describing people: appearance: curlyhair, etc. personality: selfish, etc. Word stress
20 International English Hello and goodbye Functions Meeting people Saying goodbye Common expressions: Good luck! etc. Intonation in common expressions

22 The time ofyour life Present simple or continuous Adverbs of frequency: usually, etc. How often? Once a week, etc. Common verb phrases Daily routine: have breakfast, etc. Prepositions of time: at, in, on Body and health: heart, symptoms, etc. Sound/spelling: i
26 Food for thought Quantifiers: afew, a little, etc. Food and diet: protein, fattening, etc. Sounds: /u:/or/u/?
30 Do we really need to sleep? Gerund or to + infinitive Sleep: yawn, etc. Sentence stress, weak forms
34 Checking and apologizing Question tags/short answers Functions Checking information Apologizing Excuse me/Sorry Intonation in question tags
I File 3
36 í*i The day that changed my life used to+ infinitive not any moreiany longer Noun-building: -ment,-ation, etc. Sounds:/j/or M3/ Weakform of to
40 fi Another bríck in the wall make, let, allow to + infinitive Definite article: the Education: primary school, etc. Sounds:/a/ or/ju:/
44 Q Stillme can/could/be able to Words with several meanings Strong adjectives: enormous, etc. Sentence stress Strong and weak forms
48 International English Couldyou do me afavour? Functions Making requests Asking permission Common verb phrases: book a table, etc. Intonation in requests
¦ File 4 1
50 f*j The good side and the had side Future forms: will/going to, present continuous might/may+ infinitive Jobs and work: salary, etc. Sounds: /3i/or/o:/
54 ? Sacked! when/as soon as, etc. First conditional Humán sounds: whisper, etc. Word stress
58 Living in the material world Second conditional Money: in cash, etc. Contractions in first and second conditionals
62 International English Getting whatyou want Functions Explaining whatyou want Shops: baker's, etc.
• .
Speaking Lístening Reading Writing

Getting to know each other Spelling and numbers Instructions, student profilé Student profilé
Describing a close friend Friendship: agreeing/disagreeing Understanding an anecdote 0 With a Jittle help front my friends Magaziné article: Just goodfriends? My best friend
Living with other people Dialogue completion Newspaper article: Flat-sharing- the inside story
Your family and vour position in the family Discussing advantages and disadvantages Interview with a child psychologist Magaziné article: Familyfortnnes Describing a relatíve or Composition: advantages/ disadvantages
Roleplay: meeting a family People meeting and saving goodbye Talkbya director ofstudies A language school brochure Signs and notices

Describing vour lifestvle Inteniew with a nurse Magaziné article: A time for everything
Food and diet In tervi ew with two chefs and a child Newspaper article Eat as much as you üke - and stay healthy! Diet in your country/your own diet
Your sleeping habits Interviewwith an insomniac GS Moon over Bourbon Street Magaziné article: Do we really need to sleep?
Roleplay. checking information Checking information/ apologizing Signs and notices A letter of apology to a friend

Changes in your life Your childhood Interviewwith a Princess Diana 'lookalike' Extract from a travel book: The Lost Continent
Your education Interview with a head teacher H Anotherbrick in the wall Magaziné article: At school for 17 hours a day Your school/A school you went to
Reading habits Skills (what you can do) A book review: Still me A book review
Roleplays: requests / asking permission Requests Extract from a hotel guide Signs and notices A fax to a hotel
Jobs and vvork Fortune-telling Interview with a travel guide and an au pair Magaziné article: Looking into the future
Game: TKree in a row Conversation between a boss and employee H) Stand by me Short story: The Firing Line lob application
Imaginary situations Interview with a woman who lost a fortune Newspaper article: Rich and happy?
Roleplays: explaining what you want, shopping Understanding conversations in shops Guide to London: shopping Signs and notices

64 D Race through the rush hour Modals of obligation: must, have to, shoüM Vehicles and traffic scooter, etc. Weak forms: must, should Sound/spelling: ea
68 0 Dreamcarsand nightmare journeys Past perfect simple Cars and driving: brakes, etc. Contractions and linking
72 H What drives you mad? Defining and non-defming relatíve clauses Compound nouns: burglar alarm, etc. Word stress: compound nouns Sounds:/J/,/tf/
76 International English Findingyour way Indirect questions Functions Asking for and giving directions Prepositions of movement Polite intonation
Fii* fi ---:-i-1
78 ? Set in the Wild West, shot in Spaiti The passive The cinema: soundtrack, etc. Sounds:/d/,/ő/,/0/
82 ö Survival ofthe fittest Comparatives and superlatives OS OS Sport: court, etc. Noun-building Sounds:/a/ Sentence stress
86 Q Letitbe
X.ivr.uh e tenses: past simple, past Colloquial language in songs continuous, past perfect Music: lyrics, etc.
was, were
Weak and strong forms
90 International English Functions The theatre: show, etc. Intonation in suggestions
Goingout Inviting, suggesting
Making arrangements
File 7
92 Cl Where am I? Modals of deduction: might/could, must, can't Connectors: although, howcver, etc. Tourism: souvenir, etc. Silent letters
96 ? Ilove New York! Reported speech: statements and questions Travel: trip, etc. 5í?yor teli US and British accents
100 n Travellers' tales Reported speech: imperatives and requests, in case -ed/-ingadjectives: excited/ exciting, etc. Sounds: /ao/
104 International English Any complaints? Functions Complaining Faults in clothes: shrunk, etc. Faults in machines: broken, etc. Restaurant complaints Intonation, contrastive stress
File 8
106 O The truestory ofthe Third conditional Ships and disasters: crew, sink, etc. Sentence stress, weak forms
110 ? Lookingback 1 Revise your grammar 2 Revise your vocabulary 3 Revise your pronunciation
114 Checkyourprogress Fiiesl-7 121 Communication
129 t= Vocabulary Builder 1 Common verb phrases 5 Education
2 Describing people
3 Bodyandhealth
4 Food and Diet
143 WritingBank A letter to a friend Teliing a story
A formai letter Composition: advantages and disadvantages A fax
146 Grammar Summary 154 Listening
6 Work
7 Money
8 Transport and driving
9 The Cinema
10 Sport
11 Tourism and travelling
12 Phrasal verbs
13 Regular and irregular verbs
14 English Sounds
Speaking Listening Reading Writing
Transport: interviewing peopie Agreeing / disagreeing about driving laws Travel programme about Lisbon Newspaper article: The Rush-hour Grand Prix
Cars and car problems Interview with Sebastian Coe Two stories: The Wedding, The Interview A nightmare journey
Nőise pollution Things that annoy you Defining words Street interviews Magaziné article: Invisible pollution Adding non-defining relatíve clauses to a story
Roleplay: asking for and giving directions Tourists asking for information Following directions Letter giving directions A letter to a friend: giving directions
1 - í. _ . -. - _ . _ _ Sf; ¦
The cinema Conversation about a film Understanding questions Film reviews Magaziné article: 7just watit to make the film andgo home.' (an interview with Woody Allén) A film review
Game: 20 questions Sport: interview a partner Radio programme (strange sport statistics) Newspaper article: Who's the fittest?
Music your likes and dislikes 'First times' Retelling extracts írom a biography Understanding an anecdote ffij Letitbe Biography extract: Many Years from Now by Paul McCartney
Roleplay: arranging to go out Understanding box office information HS Memory Signs and notices Reviews of shows A note to a friend
v- ' ' - -
Describing a tourist town For or against? Family holidays, etc. Conversation between a tourist and a waiter Newspaper article: Where am I? Form-filling Describing a place
Your last holiday Roleplay: holiday complaints Dialogue: complaining about a holiday. ESD Dániel Travel brochure: New York
Talking about travel problems Travel stories Magaziné article: Welcome to Britain! A letter to a friend: giving advice
Roleplay: complaining in a shop Dialogues: complaining in a shop and in a restaurant. Signs and notices A formai letter of complaint
Reading and retelling Talking about the Titanic Radio story. Titanic Magaziné article: The truth about the Titanic
4 Practise speaking
Megvásárolható példányok
English File - intermediate - Student's Book English File - intermediate - Student's Book English File - intermediate - Student's Book English File - intermediate - Student's Book English File - intermediate - Student's Book English File - intermediate - Student's Book
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