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Chambers English Dictionary


Kiadó: W & R Chambers Ltd
Kiadás helye: Edinburgh
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 1.792 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 1-85296-000-0
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






Chambers English Dictionary
• the most up-to-date and comprehensive single-volume dictionary of international English
• a bigger and better dictionary -190()()() references, 265()()() definitions
• easy-to-understand definitions, uncomplicated pronunciation guidance, explanations of word origins
• New Words - bubble-headed, glasnost, journo, necklacing, perestroika, poop scoop, post-viral syndrome, power breakfast, quadrella, STOLport
• Literary Words-from the Bible, Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton, Burns, Dickens, Scott, major 2()th-century writers
• Business and Finance Terms - Chinese wall, debit card, golden parachute, market-maker, poison pill, white knight
• Scientific and Technical Words - AIDS, camcordcr,
E number, flash blindness, genetic fingerprinting, gluon, heterotic, hoya, thundcrhead
• a treasurc-chest for word lovers - bulldust, coolamon, dashiki, fizgig, grungy, jirble, pachinko, poodlc-fakcr, sharny, taghairm
• the refcrcnce dictionary for SCRABBLE® in the... Tovább


Chambers English Dictionary
• the most up-to-date and comprehensive single-volume dictionary of international English
• a bigger and better dictionary -190()()() references, 265()()() definitions
• easy-to-understand definitions, uncomplicated pronunciation guidance, explanations of word origins
• New Words - bubble-headed, glasnost, journo, necklacing, perestroika, poop scoop, post-viral syndrome, power breakfast, quadrella, STOLport
• Literary Words-from the Bible, Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton, Burns, Dickens, Scott, major 2()th-century writers
• Business and Finance Terms - Chinese wall, debit card, golden parachute, market-maker, poison pill, white knight
• Scientific and Technical Words - AIDS, camcordcr,
E number, flash blindness, genetic fingerprinting, gluon, heterotic, hoya, thundcrhead
• a treasurc-chest for word lovers - bulldust, coolamon, dashiki, fizgig, grungy, jirble, pachinko, poodlc-fakcr, sharny, taghairm
• the refcrcnce dictionary for SCRABBLE® in the UK
• unrivalled coverage of the language for crossword and other word-game players
Chambers English Dictionary the conclusive point of reference
Chambers English Dictionary is a new edition of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary, which has enjoyed long acceptance as the most comprehensive single-volume dictionary of the English language. The expansion of the book in this edition - up to 190000 references and 265000 definitions - consolidates the unique status of Chambers.
The dictionary has always reflected contributions to the language of international varieties of English and the latest edition contains a rich selection of North American, Australasian, Indian, Caribbean, Scottish, Irish and South African words.
Chambers is a dictionary of unrivalled value to users of English - to students, scholars, writers, journalists, librarians and publishers. It is replete with words of technical importance to scientists, lawyers, accountants and people in business.
Chambers is the reference dictionary for the UK National Scrabble® Championship; it is the favourite dictionary of crossword setters and solvers; it is the treasure-chest for all word-game players and word lovers.
Clear layout, easy-to-understand deijnitions, uncomplicated pronunciation ^idance, scholarly explanations of word origins, helpful appendix sections - all iHfeatures of the most accessible of f reference books, Chambers English ' Dictionary.
Chambers World Gazetteer The international directory of facts, figures, people and places. Over 800 pages packed with information; 20000 towns and cities featured; profiles of every nation in the world; 150 maps of key political and administrative divisions; 120-page full-colour atlas. ISBN 1 85296 200 3
Chambers Science and Technology Dictionary
The most comprehensive single-volume dictionary of its kind; covers every aspect of scientific, technical and mathematical knowledge; the standard reference book for scientists, researchers, students.


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