The next few decades are likely to witness deep enwronmental crises, crises we will be able to cope with only through a cle^ understanding of the complex, delicate system of which we are part. Fortunately, the great advances made in all fields of science ^ce World War 11 make it possible, for the first time, to reconstruct the entire life history of the world we live in, from the Big Bang to today, and thus to understand how the system works.
This book presents a global picture of our world - how it originated, how it evolved, how it works - and provides the background necessary to assess ways to stabilize it. Although the science is rigorous and quantitative, the book is written in an informal style^and ^is readily accessible to anyone with a knowledge of high-school algebra.
"The idea to use our planet to present a broad background of modern science is especially welcome. The historical references are sure to fascinate any reader, The informality is an essential part of the...
The next few decades are likely to witness deep enwronmental crises, crises we will be able to cope with only through a cle^ understanding of the complex, delicate system of which we are part. Fortunately, the great advances made in all fields of science ^ce World War 11 make it possible, for the first time, to reconstruct the entire life history of the world we live in, from the Big Bang to today, and thus to understand how the system works.
This book presents a global picture of our world - how it originated, how it evolved, how it works - and provides the background necessary to assess ways to stabilize it. Although the science is rigorous and quantitative, the book is written in an informal style^and ^is readily accessible to anyone with a knowledge of high-school algebra.
"The idea to use our planet to present a broad background of modern science is especially welcome. The historical references are sure to fascinate any reader, The informality is an essential part of the book -I do not know of any book that combines serious sci^ce with some good laughs in every chapter. I am very enthusiastic about this book." William|W^ Hay, University of Colorado, Colorado, and
University of Kiel, Germany
Cover illustrations by permission of NASA.
Front: The Earth photographed from a distance of 40,300 km by the crew of the Apollo 17 mission on their way to the Moon (December 1972). Back: The plaque that is t^veling b^ond the solar system with a message from Earth on board Pioneer 10, a spaceicraft that was launched on March 1972, passed Jupiter on December 3, 1973, ai^d left the solar system on June 14, 1983.