Designs for Outdoor Living
Style boundaries between the inside and tiie outside of the home no ionger exist. Today's garden spaces have become as much a reflection of the homeowner's tastes and personaiity as any other "room."
in Gardenscapes. Caroi Soucel< King turns her expert eye from inside the home to the beauty and warmth of outdoor living spaces. She celebrates nature's bounty with visits to 35 original and personally expressive private landscapes from locations as varied as Saudi Arabia. Australia, Japan, Ivlalta and the United States, The gardens within are enhanced by the expertise and creativity of the landscape architects and garden design professionals who have built and designed them.
A broad range of garden styles, topography and climates are displayed here: city, country, suburban, seaside, formal, and free-form. Complete in their presentation, each garden is unique, with magnificent color photographs that augment the garden plan, the plantings,...
Designs for Outdoor Living
Style boundaries between the inside and tiie outside of the home no ionger exist. Today's garden spaces have become as much a reflection of the homeowner's tastes and personaiity as any other "room."
in Gardenscapes. Caroi Soucel< King turns her expert eye from inside the home to the beauty and warmth of outdoor living spaces. She celebrates nature's bounty with visits to 35 original and personally expressive private landscapes from locations as varied as Saudi Arabia. Australia, Japan, Ivlalta and the United States, The gardens within are enhanced by the expertise and creativity of the landscape architects and garden design professionals who have built and designed them.
A broad range of garden styles, topography and climates are displayed here: city, country, suburban, seaside, formal, and free-form. Complete in their presentation, each garden is unique, with magnificent color photographs that augment the garden plan, the plantings, the design intent, and the execution.
Dr, Carol Soucek King has long been interested In the ability of ttie arts to uplift and empower human life. To provide an ongoing forum for the arts, she has established The Institute of Philosophy and the Arts at her home in Pasadena, California. From there she has written At Home 8 At Work: Architects' and Designers' Empowered Spaces (1993: first released as Empo'Mered Spaces), and Furniture: Architects'md Designers' Originals (1994).
Ih 1995, Dr. King launched her acclaimed Creative Touch series—four bool<s that focus on uses of specific materials in architecture and interior design: Designing •Mith Tile. Stone S Brick: Designing with Wood: Designing with Glass: and Designing with Fabric, {continued on bacl< flap)
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In 1996, she authored Empowered Gardens: Architects and Designers at Home, opening a window onto the home gardens and design philosophies of some of the interior design and architecture worid's most influential talents. All of Dr. King's books demonstrate her belief in the crucial role played by the environmental design arts in humankind's physical and mental well-being.
Dr King has received accolades for distinguished service from the National Board of the American Society of Interior Designers and from the Los Angeles chapter of the American Institute of Architects, and was named woman of the year for the Network of Executive Women in Hospitality.
Dr. King earned both a B.A. and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California and a Master of Fine Arts degree from Yale University. She also studied at Cambridge University in England. At Woodbury University in Burbank, California, her husband Richard King has established the Carol Soucek King Lectureship in Architecture and Design.