Despite many examples of good practice, large weaknesses exist in many countries' national career guidance services, according to extensive researcti conducted by the OECD, and by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training and the European Training Foundation on behalf of the European Commission. Access is limited, particularly for adults. In addition, services often focus upon immediate decisions, and fail to develop career management skills. Training for those who provide services is frequently inappropriate, failing to reflect the full range of client needs or to take account of modern, more flexible delivery methods such as ICT. Services are poorly co-ordinated between different ministries, and between governments and other stakeholders. The evidence base is too weak to provide policy makers with useful data on outcomes, costs and benefits. These gaps stand in the way of governments' attempts to implement...
Despite many examples of good practice, large weaknesses exist in many countries' national career guidance services, according to extensive researcti conducted by the OECD, and by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training and the European Training Foundation on behalf of the European Commission. Access is limited, particularly for adults. In addition, services often focus upon immediate decisions, and fail to develop career management skills. Training for those who provide services is frequently inappropriate, failing to reflect the full range of client needs or to take account of modern, more flexible delivery methods such as ICT. Services are poorly co-ordinated between different ministries, and between governments and other stakeholders. The evidence base is too weak to provide policy makers with useful data on outcomes, costs and benefits. These gaps stand in the way of governments' attempts to implement lifelong learning, active employability and social equity policies.
This joint publication by the OECD and the European Commission (staff working paper) gives policy makers practical tools to tackle these problems. In simple, non-technical language, the publication addresses a broad range of policy issues that are central to the effective delivery of career guidance services. These include: how to widen access to career guidance; ways of improving the quality of career information; ensuring that staff qualifications meet policy objectives; and improving strategic leadership.
This publication is essential reading for all policy makers, especially those in education and labour, who are responsible for planning, managing and delivering career guidance services.
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