He used to come down from the hills, from the wild areas,
every so often—riot too often, of course, because he wasn't
one of them, no matter how much he wanted to be. He
couldn't be until he had a name. And he desperately
wanted a name.
But he wanted his shots more. And he had found an infalli-
ble way to get them.
So "every so often, when he came down from the wild
plac#s,. he would join a group, and when the floss he
gave them had gone to work, he would betray them to
Ihe/jeacher—then he would get his precious supply of
ampoules. . •
kmtll theday the Boy came
Who was the Boy?
He hadn't been mind-burned—that much Candy
Man could tell. The Boy knew what Candy Man
was up to all right—would he betray Candy Man
to the Teacher? What did he want?
And suddenly Boy had trapped him into doing
a terrifying thing—-he had attacked a Teacher!
Now he ran—stumbling after the Boy, down
below the Streets to dank, dripping levels of nu-
trient pipes and sewage. Cut off...
He used to come down from the hills, from the wild areas,
every so often—riot too often, of course, because he wasn't
one of them, no matter how much he wanted to be. He
couldn't be until he had a name. And he desperately
wanted a name.
But he wanted his shots more. And he had found an infalli-
ble way to get them.
So "every so often, when he came down from the wild
plac#s,. he would join a group, and when the floss he
gave them had gone to work, he would betray them to
Ihe/jeacher—then he would get his precious supply of
ampoules. . •
kmtll theday the Boy came
Who was the Boy?
He hadn't been mind-burned—that much Candy
Man could tell. The Boy knew what Candy Man
was up to all right—would he betray Candy Man
to the Teacher? What did he want?
And suddenly Boy had trapped him into doing
a terrifying thing—-he had attacked a Teacher!
Now he ran—stumbling after the Boy, down
below the Streets to dank, dripping levels of nu-
trient pipes and sewage. Cut off forever from the
golden ampoules the Teacher dispersed, cut off
forever from the possibility of ever getting a name,
of ever being one of them.
Candy Man had a lot to find out about him-
self . . «, ,