Second Edition
Cambridge PreparatioH for the TOEFr lest
Jolene Gear • Robert Gear
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test is a comprehensive test preparation course that helps learners acquire the skills tiiey need to succeed on the Test of EngUsh as a Foreign Language. The Second Edition is fully updated to correspond to the latest version of the exam. Ideal for both classroom and self-study, the course not only teaches test-taking strategies, but-it actually provides the language foundation needed to score well on the TOEFL test. All print cpinponents are conveniendy contained in a single book, accompanied by high-quahty recordings.
Major features
> Information about the TOEFL: what it is, how to register for it, how it is scored
> A complete TOEFL-format Diagnostic Test directing learners to sections of the book that will strengthen their skills
> An extensive Listening Comprehension section with four accompanying cassettes using a variety of North American accents
Second Edition
Cambridge PreparatioH for the TOEFr lest
Jolene Gear • Robert Gear
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test is a comprehensive test preparation course that helps learners acquire the skills tiiey need to succeed on the Test of EngUsh as a Foreign Language. The Second Edition is fully updated to correspond to the latest version of the exam. Ideal for both classroom and self-study, the course not only teaches test-taking strategies, but-it actually provides the language foundation needed to score well on the TOEFL test. All print cpinponents are conveniendy contained in a single book, accompanied by high-quahty recordings.
Major features
> Information about the TOEFL: what it is, how to register for it, how it is scored
> A complete TOEFL-format Diagnostic Test directing learners to sections of the book that will strengthen their skills
> An extensive Listening Comprehension section with four accompanying cassettes using a variety of North American accents
> A Structure and Written Expression section containing granmiar review and thorough sHU-building exercises
> A Reading Comprehension section testing reading skills and vocabulary in context
> A Test of Written English section giving sample student essays and step-by-step preparation in writing essays
> Two complete TOEFL-format Practice Tests allowing students to find out how much they've learned and predict their score
> Explanatory answer keys cross-referenced to relevant skill-building exercises
> Transcripts for all listening material
> A thorough index
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test consists of a book, a set of 4 cassettes, and a book/cassette package.
Cover design by Adventure House, NYC