Birds & Butterflies
In the eye of a bird or a butterfly, the typical suburban landscape resembles an unfriendly if^V desert. Closely mowed lawns, tightly clipped shrubs, raked up borders, and deadheaded flowers mean no place to nest, no food to eat, and nowhere to hide. To the humans who live there this means no birdsongs, no colorful butterflies, no dazzling hummingbirds, no night-sparkling fireflies.
This beautiful yet practical book shows you how to transform your own garden into one that welcomes songbirds, hummingbirds, and butterflies. It won't look like the typical dreary low-maintenance garden, and it will actually be much easier to care for. Above all, it will be as rewarding to your human eyes as it will be nourishing to your winged guests.
"Taylor's Guides are the best, most authoritative guides on the market." — Garden Design
Taylor's Weekend Gardening Guides include:
^VT^MB ^^^ ^ Easy Lawn Care
Organic Pest & Disease Control Ih ^^^^HRj^S^^l^^^w...
Birds & Butterflies
In the eye of a bird or a butterfly, the typical suburban landscape resembles an unfriendly if^V desert. Closely mowed lawns, tightly clipped shrubs, raked up borders, and deadheaded flowers mean no place to nest, no food to eat, and nowhere to hide. To the humans who live there this means no birdsongs, no colorful butterflies, no dazzling hummingbirds, no night-sparkling fireflies.
This beautiful yet practical book shows you how to transform your own garden into one that welcomes songbirds, hummingbirds, and butterflies. It won't look like the typical dreary low-maintenance garden, and it will actually be much easier to care for. Above all, it will be as rewarding to your human eyes as it will be nourishing to your winged guests.
"Taylor's Guides are the best, most authoritative guides on the market." — Garden Design
Taylor's Weekend Gardening Guides include:
^VT^MB ^^^ ^ Easy Lawn Care
Organic Pest & Disease Control Ih ^^^^HRj^S^^l^^^w Window Boxes
fc'y^^^BlMrM^^^^^iMg Easy, Practical Pruning
Water Gardens
jj^^BMHSk^^lV Backyard Building Projects
r^^B Gardens
' ~ Ifc Plants for Problem Places