The seventh Conference for PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS) was or-ganized by the Department of Computer Science of the University of Szeged (SZTE) and held in Szeged, Hungary from June 29 to July 2, 2010. The members of the Scientific Committee were the following representants of the Hungárián doctoral schools in computer science: András Benczúr (ELTE), Hasszan Charaf (BME), Tibor Csendes (SZTE), László Cser (BCE), János Csirik (Chair, SZTE), János Demetrovics (ELTE), József Dombi (SZTE), Zoltán Ésik (SZTE), Ferenc Fiedler (PE), Zoltán Fülöp (SZTE), Aurél Galántai (ÓE), Tibor Gyimóthy (SZTE), Zoltán Horváth (ELTE), Csanád Imreh (SZTE), Zoltán Kató (SZTE), Zoltán Kása (Sapi-entia EMTE), László Keviczky (SZIE), János Kormos (DE), László Kozma (ELTE), János Levendovszky (BME), Eörs Máté (SZTE), Attila Pethő (DE), András Recski (BME), Lajos Rónyai (Co-chair, SZTAKI), Tamás Roska (PPKE), Endre Selényi (BME), Tamás Szirányi (SZTAKI), and Tibor Tóth (ME). The members of the Organizing Committee were Balázs Bánhelyi, Tamás Gergely, Zoltán Kincses, and Kálmán Palágyi.
There were more than 60 participants and 51 talks in several fields of computer science and its applications. The talks were going in sections in computer graphics, computer networks, database theory, discrete mathematics, distributed computing, image and signal processing, numerical analysis, optimization, software engineer-ing, and stochastic processes. The talks of the students were completed by four plenary talks of leading scientists: Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler University, Hagenberg, Austria), Ágoston E. Eiben (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Aurél Galántai (Óbuda University, Hungary), and Mihály Kovács (The University of Otago, New Zealand).
Two scientific journals, viz. Periodica Polytechnica (Budapest) and Acta Cyber-netica (Szeged) offered students to publish the paper version of their presentations after a selection and review process. Altogether 24 manuscripts were submitted for publication. The present special issue of Acta Cybernetica contains 12 such papers.
The full program of the conference, the collection of the abstracts and further information can be found at http://www.inf .u-szeged.hu/~cscs.
On the basis of our repeated positive experiences, the conference will be orga-nized in the future, too. According to the present plans, the next meeting will be held in July 2012 in Szeged.
Kálmán Palágyi Guest Editor