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Approaching Hoofbeats

Közelgő látogatás - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse/Az apokalipszis négy lovasa


Kiadó: Word Books, Publisher
Kiadás helye: Texas
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 273 oldal
Sorozatcím: Key-Word Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-380-69921-4
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"I HEAR THE HOOFBEATS OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN APPROACHING. "They come as a warning, and grow louder by the day," says Billy Graham, who equates the ancient symboís with the modern terrors that pursue us: war, violence, deception, economic chaos, unemployment, poverty, hunger, disease and death. But for those who will heed the warning, Dr. Graham's message is one of hope-practical, creative and clear direction for men and women, young and old who will read and be transformed by this book. , "Who knows better than Billy Graham, world traveler and evangelist, what is going on in today's world. APPROACHING HOOFBEATS compares the-Book of Revelation with the current state of world affairs. It is hard to put down, and equally as hard not to come away deeply touched and renewed." Christian Life "Dr. Billy Graham brings a powerful combination of talent and insight... His dramatic presentation of the problems of the world and his plea to take action offers and important challenge to all of us."... Tovább


"I HEAR THE HOOFBEATS OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN APPROACHING. "They come as a warning, and grow louder by the day," says Billy Graham, who equates the ancient symboís with the modern terrors that pursue us: war, violence, deception, economic chaos, unemployment, poverty, hunger, disease and death. But for those who will heed the warning, Dr. Graham's message is one of hope-practical, creative and clear direction for men and women, young and old who will read and be transformed by this book. , "Who knows better than Billy Graham, world traveler and evangelist, what is going on in today's world. APPROACHING HOOFBEATS compares the-Book of Revelation with the current state of world affairs. It is hard to put down, and equally as hard not to come away deeply touched and renewed." Christian Life "Dr. Billy Graham brings a powerful combination of talent and insight... His dramatic presentation of the problems of the world and his plea to take action offers and important challenge to all of us." West Coast Review of Books "No wonder APPROACHING HOOFBEATS has climbed to the best-seller lists." Wall Street Journal Vissza



Billy Graham

Billy Graham műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Billy Graham könyvek, művek
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