
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Angol nyelvkönyv I.

Kiadó: Tankönyvkiadó Vállalat
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 487 oldal
Sorozatcím: Tanuljunk nyelveket!
Nyelv: Magyar   Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 963-18-3697-5
Megjegyzés: Tankönyvi száma: 5694/I/1. Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Bevezetés és néhány tanács a könyv használatához11
English by stealth
Part one. I am/you are/he shi it is a/an. Who/What? Come in15
Episode one. Say "Pardon". Oliver here's a knife. Put it on the table. What is it like?28
Episode two. Tell Joe to shut the door. Make a list, please. Tell Fred to come in. Az angol ábécé38
Episode three. In the study. The plan. The photo. Főnevek többes száma. This/these, they/them46
Episode four. Henry's flat. The Lee family. Have got.54
Episode five. You're the new gardener. Answer my questions. What have they got in their house? My/his/her/its/your/their. Whose? Don't come back. Tell Fred to come back63
Episode six. What are they doing? In the street. Mr. Lee's going out. Find the right key. Present Continuous. Can. Let's start. We/our73
Episode seven. Is anybody in the kitchen? The transistor. Let's eat. Some/any. "of" szerkezet85
Episode eight. It was behnd the pot. They were in this bedroom. The scarf. Was/were. Could. Me/you/him/her/it94
Episode nine. What did wou see in the house? The first part of Fred's story. Past Simple. Us103
Episode ten. The second part of Fred's story. Nobody noticed us. Give me the bag. Sorszámnevek111
Episode eleven. You've got to be careful. I'm not going to get up. She's going to give a party. Have got to. Is going to120
Part two130
Test one133
Episode twelve. From tuesday night to wednesday morning. He doesn't like water. He doesn't believe me. Present Simple138
Episode thirteen. Joe Wasn't hungry. Near the museum there's a pub. At the bus stop. There is/are148
Episode fourteen. You must work here. I usually get up at eleven. Must. Gyakoriságot kifejező határozók. Question tag159
Episode fifteen. You mustn't go there. Joe's writing a letter, too. Mustn't/needn't168
Episode sixteen. How many bottles? The butcher was a big man. Many/much/little/few. Shall I/we177
Episode seventeen. Will you help me Jane, please? It's not mine. The scarf again. Will you? Mine/yours/hers/ours/theirs. Give it to me186
Episode eighteen. Answer the phone, please. Stanley Dickson speaking. Past Continuous197
Episode nineteen. The man won't wait. She'll lend me the money. Future Simple. If + Present Simple206
Episode twenty. The walkie-talkie worked. What have you done? Why don't you answer? Present Perfect215
Episode twenty-one. I've arranged everything. The man at the travel agency. Bad luck at victoria. Present Perfect225
Part three236
Test two240
Episode twenty-two. Whose car? The department store. The conversation in the shop. Gwen and Dick. Fokozás245
Episode twenty-three. The play was terrible. Voices behind the door. The quarrel. Vonatkozó névmások. I saw them go254
Episode twenty-four. Meet inspector Milligan. The invitation. Hunter's report. Milligan reads the records. Present Perfect Continuous. Since/for265
Episode twenty-five. The bus journey. On the tube. Dick' plan. Be able to + infinitive. I saw him going275
Episode twenty-six. The party. Stan wants to know where Dick is. Everybody was having a good time. Two shots. Függő kérdés. May285
Episode twenty-seven. Voices in the dark. Stan reports the conversation. Pacing. Függő beszéd (segédigék, igeidőegyeztetés). Might, would. "-ing"295
Episode twenty-eight. The envelopes. At the station. Porter. In the train. On board the crosschannel boat. Függő beszéd (Present és Past Simple). I don't know what to do. Should305
Episode twenty-nine. Joe wasn't telling the truth. At the spanish customs. "I ought to arrest you." Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous. Ought to/should316
Episode thirty. Everybody in Barcelona. At the Grand Hotel. Mr. Pickup's first visitors. Gwen and Dick. Milligan arrives. Stan. Poor Joe. May/might, lehetőség326
Test three342
Nyelvtani összefoglaló347
Az angol ábécé347
A főnév (The Noun)349
A determinánsok (Determinatives)351
A névmások (The Pronouns)354
A melléknév (The Adjective)362
Számnevek (Numerals)364
Az ige (The Verb)365
Az igeidők és azok használata379
Elöljárószók (The Prepositions)402
Határozószók (Adverbs)404
Mondattípusok (Sentence Patterns)406
English-Hungarian vocabulary427
Nyelvtani mutató475
Megvásárolható példányok

Nincs megvásárolható példány
A könyv összes megrendelhető példánya elfogyott. Ha kívánja, előjegyezheti a könyvet, és amint a könyv egy újabb példánya elérhető lesz, értesítjük.
