Iskola, tanulás / Schooling: Créches, nursery school, primary school, secondary school, school atmosphere, classmates, teacher-student relationship, university | 9 |
Család / Family: Immediate family, relationships, atmosphere. Extended family: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins | 19 |
Lakás, ház / Accommodation: Flats / houses: furniture, conveniences, household appliances. Ideal flat / house | 40 |
Lakóhely környéke / Area where you live: Residental area (shops, parks, cinemas, traffic, noise, pollution). Life in the city and life in the country: advantages and disadvantages | 42 |
Egy átlagos nap / Daily routine: Morning, afternoon, evening. Meals, school, work, housework, leisure time | 49 |
Háztartási munkák / Household chores: The wife's responsibilities. The husband's responsibilities. The children's responsibilities | 57 |
Személyiség / Personality: Yourself, relatives, friends, acquaintances: appearance, character, attitude to life, experiences, habits | 63 |
Ünnepek / Holidays: Public holidays. Birthdays and namedays. Family traditions | 73 |
Szórakozás / Going out: Theatres, concerts, cinemas, clubs, museums, exhibitions, restaurants, parties | 86 |
Televízió, rádió, videó, zene / Television, radio, video, music: National TV. Satellite channels. Favourite television and radio programmes. Video and music | 98 |
Olvasás, könyvek / Reading books: The importance of reading. Reading books compared to watching films. Favourite authors and books. Collecting, buying and borrowing books | 111 |
Idegen nyelvek tanulása / Learning foreign languages: The importance of learning foreign languages: education, travel, friendship, culture. Experiences of learning foreign languages: books, teachers, language schools, exams | 120 |
Utazás / Travelling: Travelling experiences. Visiting foreign countries, trips, excursions, modes of transport | 136 |
Évszakok és időjárás / Seasons and weather: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. Favourite season. Climate and weather | 148 |
Barátság / Friendship: Factors important in friendship. Close relationships, friends and acquaintances | 156 |
Sport és játékok / Sports and games: Sports activities: in primary school, high school, and nowadays. Watching sports events | 168 |
Közlekedés / Traffic: Public transport and problems of city traffic. Types of public transport preferred. Advantages and disadvantages of driving a car | 181 |
Egészség és orvosi ellátás / Health and medical care: Healthy way of life. Harmful habits. Cold and flus. GP's, family doctors, dentists, healers, phychics. Experiences of visiting doctors | 191 |
Kommunikáció / Communication: Post. Letter and postcard writing. E-mail. Telephone. Newspapers: ads, personal columns | 204 |