
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Grand Hotel Royal Budapest

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Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 159 oldal
Sorozatcím: The Most Famous Hotels in the World
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 3-900692-19-X
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal. Eredeti papírmappában.
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The fagadé of the Royal in 1896 and its palatial Royal ballroom today. The Grand Hotel Royal opened in 1896 as the largest hotel of the continent: 350 rooms, numerous restaurants, a palatial Royal ballroom, telephones in every room, electricity supplying the entire building, 'rising rooms', powered by steam engines and reaching all floors. Next door laid a superb spa. i PVTS In the days of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the 'Royal' became fff^^^l the melting pot of the world of yesterday. Here Hungarians J^ saw the first 'moving' Lumiére pictures, sipped their first 'five ¦Hj^p, o'clock high tea' and rubbed shoulders with the international I Bs^^ÉÍ v^s^ors ^e great jubilee exhibition of 1896. ; ft was ^e home to all leading Hungárián artists Surrounded ifjpHinpP /I by theatres and close to the Royal Opera House, its guest list Josephine Baker includes the greatest dancers, singers and opera divas. Mario del Monaco, Anna Moffo, Gilbert Becaud, James King, Jenő Heltai, Bérezi... Tovább


The fagadé of the Royal in 1896 and its palatial Royal ballroom today. The Grand Hotel Royal opened in 1896 as the largest hotel of the continent: 350 rooms, numerous restaurants, a palatial Royal ballroom, telephones in every room, electricity supplying the entire building, 'rising rooms', powered by steam engines and reaching all floors. Next door laid a superb spa. i PVTS In the days of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the 'Royal' became fff^^^l the melting pot of the world of yesterday. Here Hungarians J^ saw the first 'moving' Lumiére pictures, sipped their first 'five ¦Hj^p, o'clock high tea' and rubbed shoulders with the international I Bs^^ÉÍ v^s^ors ^e great jubilee exhibition of 1896. ; ft was ^e home to all leading Hungárián artists Surrounded ifjpHinpP /I by theatres and close to the Royal Opera House, its guest list Josephine Baker includes the greatest dancers, singers and opera divas. Mario del Monaco, Anna Moffo, Gilbert Becaud, James King, Jenő Heltai, Bérezi Karlovszky, József Rippl-Rónai, Vaslav Nijinsky, Cleo de Merode, Max Linder, Valdemar Psilander, Asta Nielsen, Serge Diaghilev, Igor Stravinsky, Gyula Krúdy, Sándor Bródy, Imre Kálmán, Béla Bartók, Franz Lehár, Zoltán Kodály, Sándor Ferenczi, Paul Abraham, Josephine Baker, Ference Molnár, Alan Bates, Dirk Bogarde and so many others spent a significant moment or an important part of their life at the Royal. In the 1920s Károly Gundel was its feted restaurateur, during the 1960s it became the unofficial 4academy' for everybody who wanted to become a successful hotelier. Reopened in 2002, the Grand Hotel Royal is a sparkling star among the grand hotels of Europe. This book accompanies the hotel from its very first day at the height of the glittering Fin-de-siécle over one hundred years into the third millennium. Kitchen team around 1900 Vissza



Andreas Augustin

Andreas Augustin műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Andreas Augustin könyvek, művek
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