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An Illustrated Anatomy of the World's Fighters

The inside story of 100 classics in the evolution of fighter aircraft


Kiadó: Salamander Books Limited
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 240 oldal
Sorozatcím: Salamander book
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 31 cm x 23 cm
ISBN: 0-86101-105-8
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
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An Illustrated AnatomyoftheWorld's
Compiled by William Green and Gordon Swanborough
In the past 70 years, and notably the last two decades, the definition of a fighter has undergone a radical metamorphosis; similarly the aircraft themselves have gone through dramatic and fundamental changes in shape, structure and performance in this relatively short span of time. World War I fighters were of comparatively fragile construction, whereas modern fighting aircraft have to withstand the fantastic stresses that occur at speeds more than fen times as fast, and high-g twists and turns that would surely rupture the most agiie World War II dogfighter. Such interesting comparisons are vividly emphasised in this strikingly individual volume.
Never before has a single book evaluated combat aircraft in the manner that this does: 100 fighters are depicted in incredibly detailed cutaway drawings which clearly show what is beneath the skin -airframe structure, engines and fuel tanks, avionics,... Tovább


An Illustrated AnatomyoftheWorld's
Compiled by William Green and Gordon Swanborough
In the past 70 years, and notably the last two decades, the definition of a fighter has undergone a radical metamorphosis; similarly the aircraft themselves have gone through dramatic and fundamental changes in shape, structure and performance in this relatively short span of time. World War I fighters were of comparatively fragile construction, whereas modern fighting aircraft have to withstand the fantastic stresses that occur at speeds more than fen times as fast, and high-g twists and turns that would surely rupture the most agiie World War II dogfighter. Such interesting comparisons are vividly emphasised in this strikingly individual volume.
Never before has a single book evaluated combat aircraft in the manner that this does: 100 fighters are depicted in incredibly detailed cutaway drawings which clearly show what is beneath the skin -airframe structure, engines and fuel tanks, avionics, cannon and other weapons load. All the component parts are numbered and identified (up to 260 items per aircraft), and each entry includes a three-view drawing and action photograph. The accompanying text includes a detailed specification, an explanation of thefighter's development and fascinating insights into its actual flying and combat ability. The complete survey reveals how fighter development has unfolded in a series of massive leaps, sudden lurches, side-steps and even reverses, and uncovers the tortuous paths that lead to the truly great fighter. Throughout.the authors clearly identify a continuous line of evolution running through their dramatic story.
The book as a whole is prefaced by a 28-page colour introduction that provides a concise history of fighter development and which includes graphs of comparative performance, armament rangé, engine thrust and gross weight, as well as superb colour photographs of fighters from World War I to the present day. In all, this book is a new and exciting way of approaching a fascinating subject, and seems sure to be warmly welcomed by aviation enthusiasts worldwide. Vissza


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